How to Write a Compelling Blog Post

Afshan Baig
4 min readJun 1, 2024


Writing a blog post that captures attention and keeps readers engaged is both an art and a science. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, knowing what makes a blog post successful can significantly enhance your readers’ experience and boost engagement. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you craft compelling blog posts.

Determine the Ideal Length for Your Blog Post

Content and Audience Matter

Remember when your high school teacher would assign you an essay, and you’d ask how long it needed to be? The classic answer: “As long as it needs to be to make your argument.” Similarly, the length of your blog post should be dictated by what you have to say and how concisely you can say it. Whether it’s a short paragraph or a lengthy article, let your content drive the length.

Average Reading Time

The average person reads between 150 and 300 words per minute. So, realistically, how long do you expect people will spend on your post? Typically, readers spend about three to five minutes on a blog post, which translates to 450 to 1,500 words. This range is a good target when you sit down to write.

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of your post can influence its length. If you want readers to reach the end quickly to click a link, leave comments, or share it, shorter might be better. Many bloggers find that shorter posts around 300 words generate more comments, while longer posts of 1,000 to 1,500 words get shared more on social media.

SEO Considerations

If your goal is to attract new readers via search engines, consider writing longer posts. Search engines like Google tend to rank longer posts higher because they’re seen as having more substantive content. Aim for posts upwards of 2,500 words for better SEO results. However, make sure your content remains engaging and not just filler.

Make Your Post Visually Appealing

Use Images and Videos

Just like people, blog posts need to put effort into their appearance to attract and maintain interest. The best way to break up text and keep readers engaged is with colorful, compelling images and videos. For example, a men’s fashion blog might use beautiful photographs to illustrate posts. Even on topics that don’t naturally lend themselves to imagery, use relevant and authentic photos to support your text.

Formatting Tips

If you don’t have quality images or videos, use formatting to make your text visually inviting. Writing your post as a list is a popular and effective method. Lists impose an automatic structure, making the post easier to write and more scannable for readers. Breaking information into numbered points helps readers process each piece visually and intellectually.

Engage Your Readers with Calls to Action

Importance of CTAs

In conversation, you can’t just talk about yourself; you need to create opportunities for your audience to get involved. Blog posts are similar. Calls to action (CTAs) invite readers to do something, such as clicking a link, following on social media, or leaving a comment. Blogs with CTAs have much higher engagement rates than those without.

Where to Place CTAs

While you can embed CTAs almost anywhere, the end of a post is a safe place. This approach ensures readers don’t feel marketed to throughout the post and are more likely to engage with the links as resources rather than sales pitches.

Types of CTAs

If you’re building thought leadership, add links at the end to allow readers to explore the subject further, demonstrating your knowledge and investment in their learning. Asking questions at the end of your post is another effective way to engage readers and invite their responses.

Develop a Unique Voice

What is Voice?

Voice in writing is like a singer’s distinct style, instantly recognizable. It’s the distinct personality, style, or point of view of your writing. Your voice is shaped by how you use language, the length of your sentences and paragraphs, and your unique punctuation style.

Finding Your Voice

To develop your voice, read other blogs and identify what you like and what works well. Experiment by writing in the style and voice of writers you admire. This helps you understand what voice is and discover what shapes your own. Whether you write like you talk or use a deliberate rhythm, your voice should make your work stand out.

Write with Passion

Why Passion Matters

Think back to your favorite high school teacher. The one who captured your attention likely had a palpable passion for their subject. Conviction is contagious. When someone is really into what they’re talking about, it’s compelling. Blog posts about subjects you love are more engaging for readers and more enjoyable to write.

Maintain Integrity

Importance of Integrity

Blogs, like opinion pieces in news organizations, should adhere to principles of truth, accuracy, fairness, and independence. These principles build trust with your audience and establish credibility over time. Even though blogs are more informal, responsible publishing practices are essential.

Principles to Follow

Truth and Accuracy: Verify information before publishing and correct any mistakes promptly.

Fairness: Give credit where it’s due and consider the impacts of your criticisms.

Independence: Be transparent about any freebies or sponsorships and maintain objectivity.


Crafting a compelling blog post involves a combination of clear, engaging content and thoughtful presentation. By considering the length of your post, making it visually appealing, including calls to action, developing a unique voice, writing with passion, maintaining integrity, and preparing for feedback, you can create posts that resonate with your audience and keep them coming back for more.



Afshan Baig

Content Writer | Blog Writer | SEO | Website Copywriter | Website SEO | On-Page SEO Expert.