“Being Able to Make Someone’s Day”: What I Like About After School

After School
1 min readOct 19, 2015


To understand what students like most about After School, we asked teenagers “What’s your favorite thing about After School.” Over the next few weeks, we’ll share their responses.

“By far, my favorite thing is being able to make someone’s day, have my day made, give someone a laugh or receive a laugh. People are more willing to say things when they are anonymous, and it seems that the good comments (“have a good day,” “John is a cool guy,” things along those lines) are far more frequent than everyday face-to-face chat. It’s cool to see those things. And everyone needs a laugh now and then, and coming across jokes or funny comments usually makes my day.” — Brandon

Thanks, Brandon! Keep spreading the love and the laughs. We’ll send you out an After School t-shirt for brightening the days of others.

To submit what your favorite thing about the After School App is, email Support@AfterSchoolApp.com.

-After School App Team



After School

Anonymous confessions and message board for your school.