Alibaba: China tech giant shares jump after breakup plan announced 中國科技巨頭阿里巴巴宣布組織重組 股價大漲


2 min readMar 29, 2023


Shares of Chinese technology giant Alibaba have jumped after it announced a plan to break up the company.


The firm says five of the six units created by the move will explore raising fresh funding and initial public offering (IPO) options.


Alibaba shares gained more than 14% in New York on Tuesday and were more than 13% higher in Hong Kong on Wednesday.


Its US-listed shares have fallen by almost 70% since 2020 on concerns over Beijing’s crackdown on the tech sector.


The move comes after reports that Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who has rarely been seen in public in the last three years, resurfaced in China this week after a long absence.

此前有報導提及,過去三年來鮮少公開露面的阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲(Jack Ma),將在本周於中國現身。

Alibaba said the decision to split up the business is the biggest restructuring in its 24-year history.


The units will have their own chief executives and boards of directors. They will be allowed to raise capital and seek stock market listings, except for the online retail platform Taobao Tmall Commerce Group, which will remain wholly owned by Alibaba.

每一個集團將擁有各自的執行長及董事會,且將會被允許能夠籌措資金並尋求股票市場上市,但線上零售平台淘寶天貓電子商務(Taobao Tmall Commerce Group)仍會完全由阿里巴巴持有。

In filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Alibaba said the units will “capture opportunities in their respective markets and industries, thereby unlocking the value of Alibaba Group’s respective businesses”.

在提交給美國證券交易委員會(the US Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC)以及香港證券交易所(the Hong Kong Stock Exchange)的文件中,阿里巴巴提及,子集團將會在各自的市場與產業中保握機會,並提升阿里巴巴集團在個別領域的價值。

“The market is the best litmus test, and each business group and company can pursue independent fundraising and IPOs when they are ready,” chief executive Daniel Zhang said in a letter to staff.

執行長張勇(Daniel Zhang)在給予員工的信件中表示,「市場是最好的試驗,當每一個集團和公司準備充分後,都能夠進行獨立的融資和IPO。」

China technology analyst Rui Ma told the BBC that investors saw value in the restructuring because Alibaba’s business units will be able to grow at their own pace.

中國科技分析師馬睿(Rui Ma)告訴BBC,投資者在重組中看見的價值來自於阿里巴巴的子公司能夠依照各自的步調成長。

She added that each unit will also be more streamlined and “less likely to be subject to antitrust violations”.


Alibaba’s restructuring comes after years of tough regulation for Chinese technology firms, said Scott Kessler, global sector lead for technology, media and telecommunications at investment research firm Third Bridge.

投資研究公司Third Bridge的科技、媒體和電信全球部門主管Scott Kessler表示,阿里巴巴的重組是在中國科技公司受多年嚴峻監管後所發生。

“Over the past few months, the government has been less harsh on big technology companies. People are wondering if this could be the beginning of a period where the government shifts from being almost an adversary to companies, to actually supporting them,” he added.


Mr Ma, who founded Alibaba, recently returned to China after more than a year overseas, according to a report in the Alibaba-owned South China Morning Post newspaper this week.


He met staff and toured classrooms at the Yungu School in Hangzhou, the city in which Alibaba is headquartered, the newspaper said.


Mr Ma was the most high-profile Chinese billionaire to disappear amid a crackdown on technology entrepreneurs.


The 58-year-old has kept a low profile since criticising China’s financial regulators in 2020. He stepped down as the chairman of Alibaba in September 2019.


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