

3 min readJun 7, 2023

新聞來源:Reuters|Factbox: Governments race to regulate AI tools




  1. CHINA 中國:Planning regulations 法規擬定
  2. JAPAN 日本:Investigating possible breaches 違法情形調查
  3. U.S. 美國:Seeking input on regulations 法規諮詢
  4. BRITAIN 英國:Planning regulations 法規擬定
  5. EUROPEAN UNION 歐盟:Planning regulations 法規擬定
  6. G7 七大工業國組織:Seeking input on regulations 法規諮詢
Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

1. CHINA 中國

Planning regulations 法規擬定

The Chinese government will seek to initiate AI regulations in its country, billionaire Elon Musk said on June 5 after meeting with officials during his recent trip to China.

億萬富翁伊隆.馬斯克(Elon Musk)在6月5日與中國官員會面後表示,中國政府將在國內實行管控AI的法規。

China’s cyberspace regulator in April unveiled draft measures to manage generative AI services, saying it wanted firms to submit security assessments to authorities before they launch offerings to the public.


2. JAPAN 日本

Investigating possible breaches 違法情形調查

Japan’s privacy watchdog said on June 2 it has warned OpenAI not to collect sensitive data without people’s permission and to minimise the sensitive data it collects, adding it may take further action if it has more concerns.


3. U.S. 美國

Seeking input on regulations 法規諮詢

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s chief said on May 3 the agency was committed to using existing laws to keep in check some of the dangers of AI, such as enhancing the power of dominant firms and “turbocharging” fraud.

美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)主席5月3日表示,該機構致力於以現有法律來管制AI的危害,而這些危害包含主要企業的權力提升,以及加速詐騙。

Senator Michael Bennet introduced a bill in April that would create a task force to look at U.S. policies on AI, and identify how best to reduce threats to privacy, civil liberties and due process.

參議員邁克爾.班納特(Michael Bennet)4月份提出了一項法案,要求成立特別小組研究美國的AI政策,以了解如何減低對隱私、公民自由和正當法律程序的威脅。

The Biden administration earlier in April said it was seeking public comments on potential accountability measures for AI systems.



Planning regulations 法規擬定

The Financial Conduct Authority, one of several state regulators that has been tasked with drawing up new guidelines covering AI, is consulting with the Alan Turing Institute and other legal and academic institutions to improve its understanding of the technology, a spokesperson told Reuters.

金融行為監理總署(The Financial Conduct Authority)發言人向路透社透露,該組織為負責起草AI指導方針的國家監管機構之一,正在諮詢艾倫圖靈研究所(the Alan Turing Institute)及其他法律和學術機構,以推進對技術的認識。

Britain’s competition regulator said on May 4 it would start examining the impact of AI on consumers, businesses and the economy and whether new controls were needed.


Britain said in March it planned to split responsibility for governing AI between its regulators for human rights, health and safety, and competition, rather than creating a new body.



Planning regulations 法規擬定

The U.S. and EU should push the AI industry to adopt a voluntary code of conduct within months to provide safeguards while new laws are developed, EU tech chief Margrethe Vestager said on May 31. Vestager said she believed a draft could be drawn up “within the next weeks”, with a final proposal for industry to sign up “very, very soon”.

歐盟科技事務負責人瑪格瑞特.維斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)於5月31日表示,在擬定新法規之時,美國和歐盟應在數月之內,針對AI產業採取自我監管的形式以提供保障。她相信規章可以在未來幾週內起草,並提議讓產業盡速簽署。

Key EU lawmakers on May 11 agreed on tougher draft rules to rein in generative AI and proposed a ban on facial surveillance. The European Parliament will vote on the draft of the EU’s AI Act in June.


The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) has joined in the concern about ChatGPT and other AI chatbots, calling on EU consumer protection agencies to investigate the technology and the potential harm to individuals.

歐洲消費者聯盟(The European Consumer Organisation, BEUC)也表示其對於ChatGPT和其他AI聊天機器人的擔憂,呼籲歐盟消費者保護機構調查該技術及其對個人的潛在危害。

6. G7 七大工業國組織

Seeking input on regulations 法規諮詢

Group of Seven leaders meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, acknowledged on May 20 the need for governance of AI and immersive technologies and agreed to have ministers discuss the technology as the “Hiroshima AI process” and report results by the end of 2023.


G7 nations should adopt “risk-based” regulation on AI, G7 digital ministers said after a meeting in April in Japan.



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