Agareum (AGR)
3 min readJan 20, 2020


Hello Champions,

We trust that each of you have kicked off 2020 with a bang! We welcome all the new community members since our last newsletter. We hope that you are all having fun with the Gamedrop™ that is currently running. Keep improving your skills by ensuring you utilise the practice mode once we have completed the Gamedrop™. Today we have some exciting updates on our progress and how we have structured the first half of 2020 with our deliverables, so keep scrolling to see what we have in store for you!


We launched Agareum in August 2019. This year will be a significant year for Agareum and brand. Claiming the title for the world’s first Gamedrop™ was something that we will keep in the Agareum hall of fame for many years to come, amongst the rest of the current and upcoming achievements. Developing the competitive casual gaming model that is Gamedropping™ was no easy task and we would like to display the current stats that have assisted us in gaining the reputation.

We have completed 5 Gamedrops™ with the current #6 still underway. Here are some interesting stats that have been achieved since then:


As proud as we are for the achievements up until now and grateful for the users that have joined our journey, we are moving forward quickly and remain focused on what is to come and delivering that to the community. Our new roadmap displayed below indicates the milestones ahead for the next 6 months, but we have highlighted a couple that we think you might find of interest.


The community has spoken, the first new game mode of 2020 will be FFA. The FFA game mode will be our second official game mode we have rolled out since launch. As we progress further into 2020 we will continue to open new game modes to keep you entertained. The new game modes will vary in the rules, time of play to number of players. We are very excited to get them off the ground and look forward to the community response and feedback!


This milestone covers many of the queries we are still receiving from the community. As it stands, players wallets are active, but the withdrawals are currently disabled. This will no longer be the case in Q1 2020 as we will open up withdrawals for the Agareum community. Guidelines and instruction will follow in the coming months, so please ensure to set the notifications on for our community and social channels.


This game mode will be sure to initiate the next level of fun within your gaming experience. We are all familiar with the classic game mode of “Last Man Standing” and the level of competitiveness and fun that comes with it and therefore couldn’t resist bringing it to our champions! Keep practicing because things are about to get very exciting!


Toward the end of Q1 we plan to have the AGR token listed on an exchange, which will coincide with the opening of wallet withdrawals. Keep an eye out for updates and the announcement once we have chosen a suitable exchange.

We will be releasing more content around other milestones, breaking each down with some more information to make sure each and every one of you are up to date with what’s happening in the world of Agareum in 2020

We look forward to the many Gamedrops™ ahead and more importantly to YOU BEING A PART OF IT! Keep practicing, keep enjoying and keep filling those bags. Please join us in our Telegram group for any questions and the admin will be happy to answer it.

We hope you love filling your bags, as much as we do!

All the best,


Agareum Team Lead

