The Law of the Fence

4 min readNov 22, 2023


The Law of the Fence

The ‘fenestra infernalis’ is the state of being the Hero possesses in his ‘war everlasting’ against the foe. He establishes a ‘fence’ and surrounds himself in as many planes and dimensions as is effective to strengthen himself and muster his forces against his enemy who assails him at all times in a perpetual assault of multi-dimensional aggression.
The myriad forms of this ‘fenestris infernalis’ comes in, the forms of the fence which shuts out the adversarial ‘Other’ can be multiplied indefinitely and span the realms of the physical topos to the mental and spiritual levels of Being.
The ‘Fortress of the mind’ is one such, where the Virya develops an adamantine structure of consciousness unassailable and impervious to the barrage of the enemy’s missiles and their subterranean devious tactics of harassment and witchcraft (e.g. magnetic influence; hypnosis; curses; possession, etc.).
Another is the cultivation of a mask or series of masks behind which their true personality is concealed and which they adopt as a camouflage on their reconnaissance in enemy territory. The cultivation of personae they use to conceal their true motives is an unfortunate necessity of warfare viewed from the perspective of Truth. Thus these tactics may rankle with those who wear their hearts on their sleeves but the wise understand that subterfuge may come at the expense of honesty but that life and victory can only be purchased at this cost. This mendacity explains the series of victories of the enemy whose entire modus operandi is deception as a concretion of the ‘Great Deception’ of Jehovah-Satan, the material plane of transience.
Thus the fence against the ‘Other’ manifest itself in a self-knowing of one’s own feints as strategic movements in the battlefield against the foe and the danger of such a policy is that it become habitual and one becomes attached to the illusory masks behind which he conceals himself coming to reflexively identify himself as the illusory appearance he has chosen to cultivate and increasingly coming to detach himself from the nucleus of his Being.

This may be considered as an instance of the ‘law of the fence’ of strategic opposition on the psychological level or level of the soul. Another instance of this ‘law of the fence’ on this plane of being is that of the strategy of self recognition as a ‘stranger in a strange land’, a being in the world not of its own, in a place of perpetually hostile territory, a battlefield or ‘war everlasting’ in which the Spirit, the Selbst or True Self, that which is, is trapped within ‘the world’ and subject to the onslaught of the enemy Demiurge and his legions and earthly emissaries who wish to absorb his Spirit energy into Himself and to perpetuate His own tumerous expansion as a destroying vampiric force. Hence you must observe himself as a warrior amongst enemies and adhere to the maxim of Adolf Hitler: “All life is struggle” and “those who do not wish to fight you not deserve to live”.
On the physical plane, a plane more or less irrelevant depending on the person and their powers the ‘law of the fence’ of ‘bracketing off’ the enemy Other consists of a detachment or non-participation in the culture of the society and an oppositional counter-cultural assault against the orthodoxy, which may take on myriad forms of contention and antagonism from critique of the culture in prose; poetry or discursive form or other symbolic or gestural displays or presentations (e.g. graffiti on a sign; burning a church, etc.).
It may consist in disseminating the counter-cultural propaganda and advising those not informed about it and the prevailing orthodox culture and its degenerate nature, ‘degenerate’ not in the judeo-christian moral sense but in that of ‘spiritually degenerate’ best exemplified in judeo-christianity itself.
Other examples of the ‘law of the fence’ as applied to the physical dimension entail a self-segregation from the enemy though this may be (and typically is) a cowardly escapist flight such as in the example of suburbia and the whites who failed to occupy and unite as a defensive group their original downtown area, and through such failure to occupy and apply the ‘law of the fence’ have had to relinquish their territory and enable the invader to take it for themselves.
‘The law of the fence’ is often misunderstood as this cowardly evasiveness or group territoriality of white picket fences of the most material sort. Such thinking parallels the degenerate thought of the Kali Yuga and its materialistic orientation, it’s emphasis on the possession of territory not its occupation and usage as a fortress from out of which to assail the antagonist.
One must possess himself before he possesses that which is ‘Other’ to himself as ‘in seeking to possess he will be possessed’ by the influence of basest matter his Spirit is yet further submerged within the belly of the beast Jehovah.
As in all things Spirit precedes matter and thus a strong microcosmic Asgard should be developed prior to any of engagement in worldly ‘fencing’ praxis through engagement in the battlefield of the world as a warrior adventurer and Hero whose quest necessitates combat and opposition to the ‘Other’. Hence the Spirit quest is not a quest for inner enlightenment but rather a request for the liberation of the Spirit from matter through the re-turn to the origin through an active opposition against the enemy forces to destroy their system of enchainment in their global penitentiary.

