The day I got my Walk back!

Dawnelle Arthur
2 min readJun 7, 2019


Day 18 PostOp Hip Replacement AgeDEFY Movement Therapy

For the past 4 years of my life, I have walked with a severe limp.

When I would bartend people would ask me about it, and when I had to walk across the room I always felt so self-conscious.

My limp exposed me to danger, and made me less confident when I was walking alone at night after my long shifts behind the bar.

In the last few months before my surgery, my limp intensified and my confidence plummeted.

The thought of something happening to my son as we walked into a store or crossing a road, knowing that I had no physical way to protect him, made me question my ability to be a mom.

My hip didn’t just take my fitness and adventure life from me, it also messed with my life as a mom.

My hips made me slower than my son, more exhausted, and less fun and I was always on high alert when we were in public because I knew it would be hard for me to stop something from happening to him if it required me to move fast.

The first question I asked my Doctor, and the final question I asked before going under, was “Will I stop limping” and as diplomatic as Doctors need to be, his answer on both occasions was not the answer I was looking for.

I wanted a reassuring “yes”, but what I got was … “Eventually.”

Both times I was too scared to ask what he meant by eventually, but I never felt good when he said it.

But now I love that stupid word!

My EVENTUALLY is finally here!

18 days after having surgery and I’m walking without a limp!

I still have some work to do but I did 1 mile with my son today and not once did I feel my limp.

Day by day, step by step, I’m getting my life back. I’m very grateful.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

This is why barefoot walking is therapy.

It makes me walk with my mind in my body, and I get the chance to feel the energy of each step from the bottom of my feet all way up into my hips.

Day 18 is the day I will remember as the day I got my walk back!

I’m happy!



Dawnelle Arthur

Creator of AgeDEFY Movement Therapy and FLOW Online Workouts and Programs.