Setting up spacemacs for development— Part 1

2 min readFeb 6, 2019


I am a long time user of emacs and was having huge bunch of custom elisp codes, collected over time. I tried spacemacs mainly for two reasons,

  1. Modularity of spacemacs configurations
  2. Try out vim key bindings


  1. To install spacemacs just clone the repository as below

git clone ~/.emacs.d

Configuring spacemacs

By default when you start emacs with spacemacs installed, you get this.

Pretty awesome right.

I customize further with these configurations by editing the ~/.spacemacs file

Enable resume with auto saved layouts

I always prefer to start emacs with previous layouts. For that find the line with settings dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts and change it as below

dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts t

Enable Paste transient state

Enabling paste transient state, enables C-j , C-k key bindings on paste to cycle through kill ring.

dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state t

Enable Smart parentheses for programming modes

I enable smart parentheses for all programming modes. This helps a lot while programming

dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode t

Enable emacs server to run on startup

Allowing to run emacs server, will help us to run emacs client from terminal allowing for faster boot.

dotspacemacs-enable-server t

Set ag as default search tool

I use ag as my default search tool every where.

dotspacemacs-search-tools '("ag" "rg" "pt" "ack" "grep")

Set the frame title

I like to see the current file name as my frame title. Chose your preference and it has different settings for various parameters like user, frame buffer, process, etc

dotspacemacs-frame-title-format "%a"

Whitespace cleanup

I am bit paranoid on cleaning up my code. So i always set it to all, so that it can cleanup all excessive spaces.

dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup 'all

These are my default configurations for my spacemacs. In the subsequent post i will go through how to configure different layers and how that help in development.




Cloud Architect, Polyglot Programmer, Hacker, DevOps Practitioner & AI Enthusiast