Presented by Agency AI ( and AgentOps)
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300+ veterans, military contractors, and engineers just spent 48 hours hacking AI defense tech
Someone built a laser cannon and the CIA showed up.
Here’s what we saw at the @cerebral_valley National Security Hackathon by @CIA x @ShieldCapVC x @anduriltechx x Founders Fund (🧵):
1/ AI Laser Sentinel
Edge-deployed AI laser designed to neutralize enemy drones
Drone defense powered by OSS AI and a Raspberry Pi
🥇1st place ($3,000 and a Starlink)
@lazerdabs, @geletavc, @LaFrogman and @HerefortheTech3
2/ Overwatch
AI image segmentation and search over military UAV and drone footage
Smart search to parse through thousands of hours of video logs to find enemy combatants, equipment, and risks
🥈2nd place ($2,000)
@BrianMikeWu, @justinlinw, @ianmkim, and @pavan_agrawal_1
3/ Lima Charlie
White box adversarial attack that jailbreaks speech recognition models to detect AI agents speaking with deep fake voice models
Anti-agent defense using Whisper-Attack
@daniel_spokoyny, @sumanthvrao, and @NikolaiVogler
4/ Sage
Light-based encrypted communication protocol for drone swarms.
Mother drones equipped with this laser can safely orchestrate and command child drones
5/ Panopsis
Multi-modal AI (satellite+telegram+news) search for civilian data, military comms, and OSINT. Source data is visualized into knowledge graphs and formatted as SPOTREP
Chat with your SPOTREP
Artur Kiulian, Philippe Brulé, @mabach_sb
🥉3rd place ($1,000)
6/ Mini-MANPAD (man-portable air-defense system)
Portable anti-drone defense missile powered by open-source AI
Computer vision model (Detectron2go) trained from scratch and deployed in a raspberry pi 3
7/ Tail Watch
MAC address detector that identifies all devices in your vicinity and tracks if you’re being followed
AirTags, but for everything (and finding if someone’s on your tail)
8/ SkyWatch
GPS-Free location tracking
CLIP model trained to track locations and predict coordinates in GPS-denied environments by using drone aerial images
Huge thanks to sponsors @SHACK15sf, @cerebral_valley, Anduril Industries, @ShieldCapVC, Founders Fund, Vannevar Labs, @IqtLabs
+judges James Taysom, @nandmulchandani, @nitishpkulkarni, Ritwik Gupta, @Andercot
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