The Dos and Don’ts of Sending PR Packages to Influencers

3 min readApr 17, 2023


Influencer marketing has emerged as a key component of brand and product promotion. Sending PR packages to influencers is an effective way to interact with them, which can be an excellent way to generate enthusiasm and increase brand awareness.

However, packing and dispatching PR materials is one of many steps in the distribution process. To ensure that their PR campaigns are well-received by influencers and, ultimately, their followers, companies must adhere to a number of dos and don’ts.

This blog post will cover important dos and don’ts for sending PR packages to influencers.


  1. Perform research: Make sure the influencers you give packages are compatible with your brand’s goals and target market. To locate influencers that would be a good fit, you can use search engines and social media platforms.
  2. Personalize your packages: A wonderful strategy to strengthen relationships with influencers is personalizing your packages. By tailoring your packages to fit their unique personality and preferences, you show that you’ve taken the time to get to know them and value their partnership. Including handwritten notes and personalized gifts or products that align with their content can make a significant impact and help your brand stand out from the competition.
  3. Be specific with your expectations: It is crucial when working with influencers. To prevent misunderstandings or disappointments, you should be clear about your objectives and expectations upfront. Be specific about what you expect in return from the influencer, whether it’s a review, a social media post, or a piece on their website. Let them know what you hope to accomplish with the package. You can ensure that you and the influencer are on the same page and working toward a successful partnership by clearly outlining your expectations.
  4. Do follow-up: Approach the influencer after you’ve given the package to say goodbye to them and find out if they have any queries or concerns. To find out if they’ve used your items and if they have any comments, you might wish to follow up later.
  5. Do be patient: Influencers receive a lot of packages, so it may take some time for them to respond or feature your products. Be patient, and don’t pressure them to respond immediately.


  1. Don’t be pushy: Remember that just because you send an influencer, a gift doesn’t mean they have to endorse your products or services. Avoid being pushy or disruptive; respect their choice if they decide not to highlight your products.
  2. Don’t send packages to influencers who haven’t requested them: Before sending a package, be sure the influencer has indicated an interest in your company or its goods. Sending packages to people who have yet to ask for them can come off as spammy and harm your brand’s reputation.
  3. Don’t be impersonal: Steer clear of sending universally applicable packages. Take the time to customize your packages; influencers want to feel valued and distinguished.
  4. Remember to disclose: If an influencer decides to post about your items on social media, they need to say they were allowed to do so for free. Ensure that you are knowledgeable about the applicable advertising laws and regulations.
  5. Don’t neglect the follow-up: Following up with influencers after sending a package is essential. Not only does it show that you value their time and effort, but it also provides an opportunity to build a relationship with them for future collaborations.

Following these dos and don’ts can build a positive relationship with influencers, reach a wider audience, and ultimately increase brand awareness and sales.


If you’re looking for expert advice on PR packages for influencers, Getclout is the place to go. Their team of professionals can provide you with valuable insights and strategies to ensure your PR packages are successful and drive results.

So, don’t leave your influencer marketing to chance! Trust the experts at Getclout to help you achieve your goals.

