Dear Brand, your dating game needs work.

Alexis Finch
3 min readMar 17, 2016


This has been going on for too long…

I’m not talking about the date itself. Last week was great. The dates are always great. You just… know me. Who I really am, what I love — seriously, how did you know gerber daisies are my favorite? — you’re just fun.

But you’re so pushy.

Ok, yeah, so that one time if you hadn’t texted me just then, I wouldn’t have known you were right around the corner, so I guess that’s legit, but still. I’ve got a life here.

To tell you the truth? I went on that date just so you’d maybe shut up for a minute — you didn’t — and stop bugging me all the time.

Even though that date was awesome, I don’t know. You know me so well, but it’s getting kind of … I don’t know, stalkerish? That’s too much, you’re nice, not creepy. Smothering? Needy? Or to tell the truth, boring.

I’m not excited when I hear from you anymore. I miss that! It used to be when I got an email from you it was like some kind of electrical bolt went down my fingertips. I had to had to had to know right then what you’d sent. It was always awesome, as in planning my week around it awesome.

Now? I don’t even bother opening your emails. They roll in like clockwork — and I know if it’s really a big deal, you’ll text me. So I can just wait for whatever you’ll send tomorrow. Or really, after lunch. Or at dinner. Or just before I hit the hay. That is a lot of emails. Maybe I’m exaggerating… but that’s what it feels like. None of my friends email me that much. They don’t even FB me that much.

So I guess what I’m saying is… no wait! No no no! I’m not breaking up with you!

It’s ok! No seriously! Totally not like that here. I mean… I love you. You know that.

But… I need some more space.

Alexis is the Principal of AgentFin Consulting providing UX Research, Experience Design, and Brand Strategy to clients large and small. She spends her days telling the stories of users to help companies crack the code of everything from Marketing Automation to Product Innovation… while making sure clients aren’t pissing off the people who genuinely want to love their brand.

She writes and speaks on the topics of “Responsive Content,” User Experience, and Women in Tech [that’s Feminism by the way].

She also makes ceramics and jewelry from her studio in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland, CA.

You can find her as either Alexis Finch or AgentFin everywhere.



Alexis Finch

• Defenestration Expert • Applied Anthropologist | UX / Design Research + Product Management + Brand Strategy + Experience Design =