Development Update 01

Age of Chains
4 min readDec 20, 2016


Greetings, I am Matheus Revoredo, Lead Game Designer of the Age of Chains game and would like to talk a little about our upcoming game!

I got invited to start working on a card game three months ago by Streamstars’ CEO Kilian Kunst. Back then it wasn’t something that I was expecting as I was just working with Hearthstone articles and analysis when I got invited, I didn’t believe that my dream could come true just like that. After tons of careful consideration I decided to jump in the boat and started working on creating, from zero, a card game that is supposed to blow everyone’s minds.

The thing about creating such a card game is that you can’t have a big basis on other games — If you base yourself too much on other games, your game won’t be unique. So what you really need is experience in understanding what makes a great game actually great, and the story behind the creation and design of all the good card games. Thankfully, my whole life has been around playing card games — From Pokémon to Magic: The Gathering, from Yu-Gi-Oh to Hearthstone, and a lot of other not-so-successful card games that I have played around the years both on paper as well as mobile and PC — I have played them all!

Age of Chains is aimed to be a game that is going to fit every kind of desire that a player should want on a card game:

  • It is going to be easy to learn.
  • It will be complex.
  • It will be different.
  • It will still be a card game.
  • It will be unique.

So from three months until now the design has quite evolved, and while I can’t share the game’s real face, I can say a few awesome things about it!

First things first: You are a Warlord. The Commander of troops on a war to either take command of the galaxy or to save it from eternal tyranny — It always kind of bugged me how most card games play around each player having creatures attacking the other opponent directly, it never made sense to an RPG level as if it was the case of you being strong enough, you wouldn’t want to have others fight for you, would it?

Well then, it was the initial trade point of my card game — You are a commander of Troops, your cards are your resources, your men, your soldiers and your money, that you’ll have to strategically give orders in the battlefield in order to achieve total victory over your opponents!

But then, the game board shouldn’t be an arena where players will fight each other, should it? But if we change it a lot the game simply becomes a board game instead of a card game, and there are quite a lot of those around already.

So I created the game board as a battlefield, but not like a board game, no! The game board is a battlefield with different terrains where you can choose to position your cards and fight your opponent’s troops to take domain of territories, managing your resources in order to obtain victory!

So what did we do until now?

  • We created the game board.
  • We created the game rules.
  • We started to design the in-game market and create its unique economic system.
  • We started the card’s designs.
  • We started crafting the cards.
  • We started to develop the Game’s Lore (which shall be greatly expanded within the near future).
  • And much more.

I would like to also thank the crowdfunding members so far for allowing me to start this whole project with Kilian — it was because of your help that we were able to start developing this amazing game. As the game’s development progresses, we need to start aiming at expanding our team, working on the arts and everything else.

Let’s introduce you all a little about our current plans for the in-game market:

  • Cards obtained through the in-game market are tradeable and sellable — They are your property!
  • There shall be an in-game Auction-House where you’ll be able to buy and sell cards.
  • There shall be an advanced in-game trade tool within the market for you to announce trades.
  • Cards obtained through the Free-to-Play system won’t be tradeable. We are working on this point in order to give Free-to-Play players the best and most awesome experience possible.
  • Cards and other in-game goods obtained through special promotions will be tradeable and sellable.
  • We’ll add a lot of awesome and different kinds of cosmetics such as skins, icons, and such, that will be obtainable through promotions, special events, and even super-rare pack drops.
  • There should be more amazing special bonus from in-game pack’s drops.

Now, before we finish this developer’s blog, here is yet another amazing information for our supporters: I will be making a Developers Blog like this one every now and then, to keep you all up to date on the progress of our game’s design and creation! We’ll do our best to keep you all up-to-date with our game’s development!

Thank you all a lot for the amazing support you have been giving us!

Our best regards,
The Age of Chains Team



Age of Chains

Blockchain Trading Card Video Game featuring a Decentralized Galaxy in an Intergalactic Clash of Cultures.