AGFI Portfolio Update 16/01/2022

Aggregated Finance
5 min readJan 16, 2022

Until AGFI establishes its DAO, we’ve engaged an analyst to review other Farming-as-a-Service (FaaS) tokens on the market and produce a farming strategy to ensure the Treasury continues to grow in the interim. This report details an overview of the current FaaS market, as well as how AGFI has allocated its portfolio according to these recommendations.

These reports will be regularly published to show changes in the FaaS market, changes to the AGFI portfolio, and performance over time.

FaaS Portfolio Overview

Most FaaS tokens are heavily invested within the Fantom network, however a lot of these investments are held by MCC which will naturally skew data as it also holds the largest treasury:

This chart may not include all portfolio data, as not all FaaS holding information is publicly available yet or in digestible formats. However, Fantom farms are showing yields exceeding those offered on networks like Ethereum for lower-risk assets. This will likely diminish as liquidity on Fantom continues to grow.

Comparing investments across protocols employed by the FaaS market, SCREAM currently holds the vast majority. This may have been in reaction to recent macro market events pushing projects to stable assets to retain value, whilst still earning modest yields on those assets:

The remaining protocols are roughly equivalent, with some outliers coming from minor investments held by MCC.

AGFI Portfolio Overview

30 ETH and 50,000 DAI have been transferred from the AGFI marketing wallet to the treasury, as the marketing wallet was holding an excess of holdings that are better used for farming for now.

The following charts illustrate the spread of AGFI investments across all protocols (or spot holdings for non-farming assets such as MCC and REFI). The treasury is currently holding $496,434 across 3 chains:

The portfolio is currently holding >50% Fantom assets, replicating the heavy level of investments on that network held by other FaaS projects.

We will not yet show estimated returns of these holdings, for a number of reasons:

  • APY rates are not constant, and typically high rates on high risk investments will diminish over time.
  • Yields are not always paid in the asset that is staked, they may be paid in an alternative asset with a fluctuating dollar value.
  • Assets held may not be held for a year, and so estimates of return across a 1Y timespan will never be realized.

We will instead report portfolio performance over the history of the AGFI treasury holdings (monthly probably, depending on the rate of change), and be able to infer estimated annual yields from that collected historical data.

Investment Portfolio


Ethereum holds the highest risk assets for the project, comprised of BRAINS, BTRFLY, and investments in the larger FaaS tokens passively earning reflections. The OKLG holdings are currently too few to make rewards claims viable.

In addition to OKLG holdings, 10 ok.lets.ape NFTs have been minted as a holder for rewards amplification. These aren’t yet tracked as assets within these reports. The floor price for these NFTs is currently 0.35 ETH.


SCREAM is the largest protocol employed across all FaaS projects, lending stablecoin assets for decent APR with minimal risk. Whilst some projects are lending a spread of multiple stablecoin assets within the protocol, DAI holds close to the highest yield offered by SCREAM at this point in time.

Additional protocols used by several FaaS projects include Liquid Driver and SpookySwap Farms, both of which have been added as medium risk liquidity pool investments. CRV shows merit as a common investment between most projects.

Tarot, Reaper, and Tomb Finance are utilized by other FaaS projects, and may be considered in the next portfolio review.


Avalanche is the lowest percentage holdings for the project, which is similar to other FaaS portfolios.

Additional assets on AVAX may be added in the next portfolio review.

Binance Smart Chain

No assets are yet held on BSC by the project. Assets may be added in the next portfolio review, but BSC is utilized by few projects due to its volatility.

Aggregated Finance is a DeFi 3.0 project with the goal of becoming the most decentralized FaaS project through establishing a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and smart contract powered Delegated Traders. Token holders earn passively through reflections, and profits from the treasury are used for token buybacks. Learn more by visiting our Website, our Twitter, and our Telegram community!

