$CAT Treasury Fund Update — 06 January 2022

Capital Aggregator Token
4 min readJan 7, 2022

Welcome back — it’s 2022 and $CAT is going to take the world by storm.

Current holdings at the time of writing;
Treasury Holdings: ±$422,388 | ⏫+102% in the last 25 days

🔹1,770,000 ECC ~$203,550
🔹29.2 ETH ~$100,214
🔹18,300 WEAPON ~$45,933
🔹89.5 BNB ~$42,691
🔹24,094 xTarot ~$23,000 Staked for 37.28% APY
🔹10,000 MIM ~$10,000

$CAT (Capital Aggregator Token) is your easy button to gain access to an Alpha Aggregated Treasury managed by connected influencers & experienced crypto professionals across all blockchains and industries, who together, leverage their resources to grow the treasury and maximize the return back to $CAT token holders.

Giant Leaps in a red market (Last 25 days)

🔽 General Crypto Market: 🔴 -8.7%
$CAT Treasury: 🟢+102%

Crypto Market 10 Dec 2021 — 06 Jan 2022 Chart

We are proud that the treasury has grossly outperformed the overall market in the last 25 days (🟢+102% vs 🔴-8.7%) The major contributors to this has been our 1st investment and partners $ECC, as well as selling off AMA for some profit and getting in early on $WEAPON which is now our 3rd largest position — also, have you noticed some $ETH missing- we’ve invested in a secret seed round! We also have some $MIM ready — but for what? …Read more on each project below

The Treasury Plan for the coming weeks:

🟠Focus on capital preservation during the turbulent market right now
🟠Look for entries on long-term core treasury holdings
🟠Quick trades on information/alpha will remain a priority moving forward

New Seed Investment: TBA

We participated in the a secret seed investment — details announced soon

Seed Investment:

4.5 Eth~$15,500

Here’s your tip

A first of its kind smart contract which limits trading to certain times and includes mechanisms that help reduce volatility and market opening (higher sales tax, max transaction limits, cool downs).

New Addition: MEGAWEAPON

Current Holdings: 18,300 $WEAPON ~$45,933


What is $WEAPON?
MEGAWEAPON is an industry disrupting, play-to-earn, battle arena game. Join us and compete to win $WEAPON tokens.

💻Website: http://www.megaweapon.io/
🕊 Twitter: https://twitter.com/_megaweapon_
📱 Telegram: https://t.me/AMAToken_Portal

The Investment

🔸Purchased 18,300 tokens for 8.35 ETH (~$30,000)
🔸Currently up more than +50%

We’d like to think we had some contribution to the recent movements in price as we purchased at $1.5

Empire Capital Token ($ECC) Update — Long Term

Current Holdings: 1.77M ~$203,550 (-0.84M ECC since last update)

$ECC has been performing tremendously in the last week — as our first investment and partners we expect this to be worth well over $1M in the coming months.

Some recent updates from $ECC:

Taking some chips off the table

🔸0.84M $ECC was sold during this recent climb ~ $42,000 or 89.5 BNB)
🔸This has been a strategic decision to mitigate some risk and start building our BNB holdings — the remaining $ECC will be held for the long term, our stance has not changed

God Candles

New Addition: TAROT

Current Holdings: xTAROT ~$23,000 staked for 37.28% APY


What is TAROT?
Tarot is a decentralized lending protocol, designed to maximize the future potential of yield farming within the Fantom ecosystem. Liquidity providers can borrow using their Automated Market Maker (AMM) Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens as collateral. Lenders can deposit their individual tokens into the Tarot Protocol lending pools to supply loans.

💻Website: https://www.tarot.to/
🕊 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TarotFinance
📱 Discord: https://discord.gg/6ByFHBjqE8

The Investment

🔸Purchased 25,021 $TAROT tokens for $23,000 DAI
🔸Staking for 37.28% APY as 24,094 $xTAROT

We believe $TAROT is back on the rise as DeFi comes back

CAT Links

💳 Ethereum ERC-20 Address: 0x3734dc0d241b5ad886fa6bff45ffa67252ac0e89
🔍Etherscan: Link
🦄 Uniswap: Link
📈 Dextools: Link
🔒 Liquidity Locked: Link
💻 Website: aggregator.capital
🕊 Twitter: twitter.com/aggregatorcoin
📱 Telegram: t.me/aggregatorcoin
📣 Telegram Announcements: t.me/aggregatorcoinann
🐸 CoinGecko: Link
🧿 CoinMarketCap: Link



Capital Aggregator Token

The #token that grants access to an Alpha Aggregated Treasury & so much more. Endless possibilities, Unlimited Potential!