IMPRESSIONS (I) — The Calming Powers of Calme

Olúmúyìwá Mòńjọláolúwa
3 min readMay 17, 2023


Song: Calme


‘I deserve you’ — That’s all I heard. That’s all that came through to me from the other side. I deserve you. Weird and strange, right? In the kiln of passion, we are always wont to tell the other that we don’t deserve them. When you really think about it, it’s an odd way of expressing love. I once wrote to a friend that he deserves luxuries. We deserve miracles. All of us. We do. It was while hearing Calme that I found the declaration from the unseen other that I am deserved by the Universe. Although I may be a drop in the passage of time, seemingly insignificant when compared to other creatures and essences, still, I am deserving and deserved.

In Calme, the piano treads the vista of my inner-land like a Father who wields a wondrous simultaneous essence of calm rage and heavy noiselessness. It wasn’t lenient on my frailty. Accompanied by a gentle percussion, it broke into my feeble complex and hammered the truth slow and speedily into the deepest chambers of my heart until I agree that He deserves me.

The chorus which starts at 1:12 may not be voiced but I hear what it says.

“Don’t be shy/Don’t be scared/Just be Calme/Just be

You deserve/You’re deserved/Don’t be shy — Just be”

Calme has a sleep-inducing ambience that can help lull even the most restless mind into a deep and restful slumber. In the deepest halls of repose, It talks to me. Every time. Sometimes, it speaks with wrath. Sometimes, It speaks in the flavory language of divine beings. Sometimes it feels like the voice of my higher self looking down on me as it speaks. But the message remains the same regardless.

Whatever you do, Calme is best enjoyed in a serene environment surrounded by nature. If you want to soar the winds of the song’s invisible sky and comfort yourself in the warm embrace of its tonal depths, don’t use an earphone. Keep the device away at least within an earshot, so that the notes can gently land on your spirit, interspersed with the sounds of your surroundings rather than harshly assaulting your eardrums as can happen with the use of earphones.

Personally, I use the song for visualization exercises. Whether I am journeying to the past to revise and re-imagine an event or sailing into the future to visually script my desires on the canvas of faith, Calme accompanies me. I also use it to alleviate the stress caused by the frenzied energy I emit during work as a trader. Being a currency trader is no easy feat, as it involves navigating through volatile markets and making quick decisions that can result in either profits or losses. In the midst of it all, I often find myself in the cauldron of intense emotions that come with the territory.

When a trade doesn’t go as planned and I experience a loss, a flood of emotions rush in. Palpitation, sudden breakout of sweat, overwhelming regret, and brutal self-talk appear at the horizon of my mind. It can be a daunting experience that can leave me feeling drained and emotionally exhausted.

So I start my day with Calme to set the tone for my entire day. Even when the song is no longer playing on my phone, its notes linger in my mind like a score to a beautiful movie. Even after dawn gives way to dusk, its peaceful notes continue to play, providing a sense of serenity and grounding. It’s as though the song is a balm for my frazzled nerves, a reminder to slow down and appreciate the moment and never to forget that He said to me “I deserve you!”.

Originally published at

