Claim Your Public Victory through 7 Habits

AgieGhazy Falah
8 min readJan 13, 2020


Public victory is a big deal to be achieved as successful people. It proves that you have a balanced metric on soft skill & hard skill. Without both of them, you’ll get an impediment to achieve a public victory. So, what is public and private victory? How to achieve them? Well, let me share with you a popular concept of 7 Habits.


The above picture shows a whole abstraction of 7 Habits concept. It defines two goals, private & public victory. Each goal has 3 required habits that need to achieve. The 7th & last habit is ‘Sharpen the Saw’ to ensure you get more and more victories.

The private victory also called a self victory. It proves that you were able to manage yourself. The next goal is public victory, that will you get when you winning people's hearts trough your private victory. It’s difficult to jump to public victory without achieving private victory.

Character is the product of 7 Habits. It will lead you to the destiny. Don’t underestimate small things that happen in your mind, because ..

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.

Dependent — Independent

Before achieving private victory, you’re a dependent person who can’t manage yourself and depends on others. Like a child that always relies on his parents.

I have experience with coworkers who can’t manage himself. He needs to be dictated on how he should do. He is not reliable and wasting a lot of time to tell on how they should do. It’s a very frustrating moment at work.

See, how important a private victory should be achieved. So let's be an independent person by mastering the first 3 habits.

Habit 1 : Be Proactive

Proactive here means that you don't be a reactive person. Reactive people respond to everything immediately without thinking it first. What they see is what they act.

In fact, we always have options on how we should react to any events. We have seconds or minutes to think before acting. That’s how proactive people do. They consider the options to give the best response to others.

When your subordinate makes a bad mistake, you always have options whether want to scold or gently figuring out to seek the root cause. That is the proactive people’s habit. Certainly, the reactive people will shout on their subordinate mistakes.

Habit 2 : Begin with The End in Mind

When you see a building, there’s a question. How many times that building was built? Well, actually it built twice at least. Yes twice! In a blueprint and in a reality.

That’s called mental creation and physical creation. Mental creation will lead the owner to achieve their physical creation. A winner never builds a building without designing its blueprint.

The private victory achiever always has dreams and its key actions in their mind. They also have a focus to bring their blueprint into reality. They have daily mission, weekly target, monthly, yearly and final target of life.

If you wake up without dream, go back to sleep!

Can you imagine if you just work in the same way, same income, same routine, no target? Nothing happens in life, you just live just for today and tomorrow is like today. Is it a winner’s habit? Of course not!

Habit 3 : Put First Things First

The above video shows us how to deals with big rocks. We know that human is limited, they have each other capacity.

Generally, we want to do everything that we want, whether it important, trivial, urgent or not. If you don't manage your priority very well, you will put yourself like in the video, you missed the big rocks. You miss your important mission of life, because of your trivial business.

A concept that helps you to define your priorities is to divide them into 4 areas (Q1 Q2 Q3 & Q4). Q1 is the top priority then Q2 until Q4. They divided based on how important & urgent these things are.

Q1 is important and urgent, like going to a doctor because of illness. If you’re not getting well, you never have a chance to realize your blueprint. Q1 needs to do ASAP! Q1 is unpredictable and accidentally appears.

Q2 is important but less urgent, like saving money for future needs. You can save money tomorrow or later. However, if you have no saving you’ll never buy a house, car, married & any important things in life. Q2 is something that we can controll. Put your weekly, monthly & yearly mission in Q2 with proper timeline.

Q3 is less important but urgent, like getting unknown call from telemarketing agent. Q3 is about distraction & interruption. You can shut it down immediately when realizing that it’s not important at all.

Q4 is less important and less urgent. Something that trivia and time wasting, like playing gaming late night and less control (no offense if you’re a gamer).

Success people will prioritize the Q1 & Q2 because it’s an important item. They also reduce and cut off the Q3 as necessary. Q4 is a trivia area, productive people will avoid Q4 as well.

Successful people will have their priorities. They know what they should do first and later. They know how to realize their blueprint into reality.

Until here I hope you have found the way to be an independent person. The next achievement is your public victory. Here is a concept that will help you to bring your private victory into public victory.

Bank of trust is a concept that show on how much someone trusts you. This bank balance is different than others. Its balance can be minus 😱😱😱.

When you constantly disappointing someone, your trust balance will get reduced and vanished. The negative balance will put you in trouble when achieving the next habits and vice versa.

Habit 4 : Think Win Win

We don’t live alone on this planet. Human is born as social beings who needs to collaborate & work together to survive. The way is we must establish a good collaboration by achieving a win-win solution. Why do we need to think win-win?

When the benefit only favors individual interests which more than others, that’s a win-lose situation. You might claim a victory but not for a long time. Lose-win situation breeds hatred and distrust. I believe you seek for a long last victory, isn’t it?

A win-win situation allows us to work effectively and get an optimal result. Let’s remind a situation when a conventional taxi loses its customers due to online transportation. That company loses profit drastically. If the Blueb*rd doesn’t take a win-win solution with G*jk, probably it not be survived today. In fact, both companies get more benefits when they work together. G*jk gets more fleets to supply its customer needs. Blueb*rd get more customer than before. Previously it only gets from conventional taxi booking but now anyone can order it online. Moreover, Blueb*rd gets an exclusive feature in G*jk, even if you book g*car sometimes you will get a Blueb*rd taxi.

That’s how a win-win situation gives more benefits to both parties. If they never collaborate, probably one side will be ruined and the other side doesn’t get any additional benefits.

Habit 5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Good communication is a ladder to reach public victory. The winners always listening to others. They don’t listen with the intent to reply, but they listen with the intent to understand. I believe you’ve spent years learning to read, write and speak. How about listening? Probably none, right?

Communication is a principal skill in life, your successes are mostly determined on how you can communicate your idea and collaborate with others. A win-win situation never made without understanding each other. To make people feel that they have listened, you need to do emphatic listening. Emphatic is a condition when you put yourself into other’s condition.


Paraphrase is a technique that will help you to do emphatic listening. Listen and restatement others make them feel to be listened and understood, make them be opened to tell you more. When they feel like that, your opinion has a big change to be understood and agreed upon by others. The below video shows you more detail about emphatic listening. I want you to compare the two scenes in that video. Both scenes show you how to do paraphrase and show you its impact. See the scene parts in the video caption.

Emphatic listening, compare the way they communicate on scene 1 (09:19–10:56) vs scene 2 (13:34–16:08)

Habit 6 : Synergize

Two heads are better than one. Synergize is a habit of creative collaboration. Open-minded teamwork that leads to the new adventure. Achieving synergy can’t be instant, it needs process. People bring all their experience and expertise to the table. Together they can do a far better result than the could do individually.

With synergy 1 + 1 never be equal to 2

1 + 1 can be 4

1 + 1 can be 7

1 + 1 can be 10 or more

Through synergy, you can grow yourself by working and collaborate together with teams. You can learn many things from others. Also, you can upgrade your skills by presenting to teams and got much feedback from them. Their advice even their critics will become your motivation to be a better person.

Many things could happen unexpectedly. The synergy gives you a surprise result that you could imagine. As successful people you need to build your synergy, find a perfect team to do that together.

Until here I hope you had found the way to claim your public victory. By those habits, you have the capability to bring your private victory to the public. You need to be a good collaborator to achieve public victory. Then the last habit is …

Habit 7 : Sharpen The Saw

Keep renewing yourself on each previous habit. Self-introspection, to realize your weakness then do the habits to grow your character. This habit keeps you fresh to increase your capacity to achieve the other six habits.

Without this renewal, your body will tired, rigid mind, flat emotions, and weary spirit. Here is the way to keep renew yourself in the 4 areas.


Consistency & perseverance is the key to the self-improvement. I have shared the 7 Habits summary with you. It will give a lot of insight into your mindset to build a better character. You can find a detailed explanation by reading the 7 Habits from Franklin Covey. Enjoy it!

