4 Questions on Agile

Agile Actors


By Nikos Batsios, Agile Coach

Four questions regarding Agile methods and their answers, inspired by “Agile Impressions”, written by Gerald M. Weinberg (1933–2018).

Why use Agile methods?

“Because they work. If they don’t work in your organization, there’s no reason whatsoever to use them — certainly not so you can brag about being “agile.” When you do make them work, they make projects more manageable. You may or may not get quicker project completion. You may or may not save money. But you will get better customer satisfaction, you will stay on top of your projects and be able to predict how much they will cost and how long they will take. You may or may not stay out of trouble, but if trouble comes, you’ll see it coming in time to do something about it. That’s what project management is all about.”

Gerald M. Weinberg gave one of the best explanation I’ve ever read, away from annual reports, statistics, and promises. Use Agile methods, simply because they work! If they don’t work in your context, try to understand why and make them work, or simply don’t use them.

Which is the biggest challenge of implementing Agile methods?

The process of creating a new normal. It’s all about people, getting out of your comfort zone, creating new habits and dealing with change and resistance. There are various models, theories, frameworks to do that. Whichever is your preferred choice, respect your context and your people, start small, learn, get started, enjoy the change, stick to change, be committed, adjust again, get improved. This is simply the process of creating a new normal.

In what environment will Agile be most successful?

In environments where continuous improvement, experimentation, teamwork and learning is part of people’s DNA. In environments where Agile is not introduced and executed as just another project. In environments where people have the passion, support, patience and motivation to overcome observed and surfaced dysfunctions through continuous interactions and relentless communication.

What is the future of Agile?

Becoming the new normal of doing great stuff and cultivating a humane culture, across organizations, domains, and services? It might be. In any case, it is now in our hands to shape the Agile we want to see in the future.

In Agile Actors, we have the passion, knowledge and experience to help you with the process of creating the new normal for your ecosystem. We hear and deeply understand your problems, challenges, needs and aspirations. We respect your people and your context. We are inspired by many frameworks, methods and practices and we are serving you with a humane approach to get the most out of them and meet your needs. Together with you, we co-create the change you want to see in your ecosystem and set the foundations to grow strong, continue and enjoy your journey!

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can best serve your needs.

