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Introducing Chat Journal

A chat-based journal/notes application for android

agile telescope
4 min readNov 29, 2018


Hello everyone,

Today I’m proud to introduce you all to something that I’ve been working on for the past two months. It’s a unique one-of-a-kind chat-based journal/notes application for Android that helps you keep a track of your life effortlessly.

Why keeping a journal could change your life

“The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it.” — J.M. Barrie

You know what exactly you want in your life, but you can’t seem to get there. Each day passes by, and you have nothing to prove that it even occurred. Keeping a personal journal gives you an in-depth analysis of your life and helps you shorten the gap between who you are and who you intend to be.

Simple chat-based interface
Meaningful insights

Why I built a journal?
I began journaling about a year ago and being a computer enthusiast and an Android developer myself I was curious to try out the various Journaling apps on the play store (mainly because of the insights or statistics they provide about you). I tried out a lot of popular journaling apps that are out there but unfortunately couldn’t stick with any of them, mainly because the apps weren’t simple enough or important features like pin/fingerprint etc. were only available in the premium version of the app.

With a strong belief that journaling apps can be much better, simple and intuitive, I began building Chat Journal about 2 months ago. Its built with simplicity at its core. It works differently compared to all the journal apps out there, you create ‘pages’ about something you want to keep a track of, then creating an entry is as simple as sending a text message to your friend. It also supports features like bookmarks, labels, statistics etc.

Why Chat Journal?
* It’s an excellent Journal that makes journaling a fun, quick and easy.
* It’s a simple but powerful app for taking quick notes without the hassle of opening a dedicated notes app. Further your notes or journal entries are indexed with respect to date and time and are readily searchable.
* Timeline, a place where all your entries are beautifully arranged in a chronological order along with event tags above them. The timeline further includes a powerful filter menu that lets you either include or exclude pages from the timeline view.
* Labels. An easy and elegant way to track your daily habits, behaviors, or rather anything countable!
* Statistics. Pretty charts that give an insight into your life.
* Lets you bookmark events for easy reference.
* Supports PIN and Fingerprint protection for the app.
* A powerful search.
* Light and Dark Theme.
* Has an elegant material interface that encourages you to write more.
* Local and cloud backups, so you don’t lose your data when switching between devices.

How can Chat Journal be helpful for you?
* Maintain a daily journal to track what you are doing.
* To analyze your thought streams as single-sided conversations.
* Take quick notes about something without having to index them.
* Create ‘pages’ to track the progress of something you are working on.
* To write down to-dos and reminders.
* Break down future goals and challenges.
* Most importantly the app is designed to be flexible enough to handle anything to intend to do with it.

Make Chat journal your personal companion in your journey towards self-improvement. Apart from being an excellent Journal, it helps you take quick notes, visualize your thought streams as single-sided conversations, or write about something random without having to index your entries.

Click here to download Chat Journal from the play store for free.

Here’s the promo video of the app in action.

The app is actively under development and updates are rolled out almost every week so stay tuned for more feature updates and feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, feedback, questions, issues, feature requests or just want to have a conversation about the app.

Thank you.

