Agile.XN Developer Award

AgileX Robotics
2 min readDec 28, 2021


About Agile.XN Community and Developer Award

Welcome to join the Agile.XN Community and sharing your inspiring robotics research story or question with global robotics corporate and educational developers.

The Agile.XN Developer Award was established to encourage global robotics education and research communication. Just easy to share your autonomous robotics subject and project research,tell your robotics things or story in the Agile.XN community to get the developer prizes.

Award1–4 Category:

(1) ROS-based Multi-modal robot LIMO (x1)

(2) LIMO LITE (x1)

(3) A wide range of robotics sensors like EAI LiDAR, Nvidia Jetson nona (x2)

(4) $200 Discount of AgileX products (x2)

Eligibility Requirements

(1)Sign in the community and share you or your team’s robotics research or educational learning post;

(2)The post must be related to the AgileX robotics Platform;

(3)Your case study demos can be including the blog, code, vlog about:

-ROS Deep Learning and Gazebo Simulation

-Robotics Project Development

-Case Study Paper

-Team Working Vlog or Creative Vlog, etc;

(4)Once you win the award, you will agree to share it with more ROS world communities.


Submission Time: Dec.27,2021 — Aug.1st, 2022

The first announcing time:Jan.28, 2022

We appreciate a lot for using the AgileX robotics platform to build your innovative robotics world for all industries or education. Any questions connect us, Yuki chen,the PR manager at AgileX Robotics.

About AgileX Robotics

AgileX Robotics is committed to help company enterprise, researcher, education to quickly deploy and develop the cutting-edge smart robotics research platform to improve productivity in all industries. AgileX Robotics has a full lines of UGV chassis that can tackle all terrain environment like indoor factory , city road, mud road,off-road, river, drainage channel, as well as easy to develop autonomous system like auto-navigation,mapping system upon the vehicle body.Moreover, AgileX chassis also provide Gazebo model while support ROS packages for industry reseacher and education to develop and vedarify in physical world.



AgileX Robotics

A leading mobile robot chassis and customized unmanned driving solution provider to provide Mobile Robot Development Platform