This is the greatest Girl on female action film

Vivi Afo
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


Girl on girl is an indie film that efforts to explore on the subject of love as well as a feeling of duty. The show starts with a young woman sporting a unique pair of glasses coming into an elevator which works up. As soon as if the mysterious girl forces the button will be highlighted as if it endeavors to communicate this girl�s desire to advance despite some obstacles like morality, human sympathy and other people. Then this movie shifts in to any room in which a girl with red hair is captured contemplating the silence. Then all of a sudden another girl enters the room and starts a fight with the girl with red hair. The fight quickly evolves right into a brutal conflict where besides knuckles girls come to use kitchen knives and guns. The 3rd girl be capable of injure the girl with red hair by cutting her palm. The battle continues. Now the girls are confronting each other using swift hits with their knuckles.

The scene is dominated by a strong feeling of hate. The girl which started the fight initially is known to own arrived at punish the woman with red-colored hair for her betrayal. It is not yet obvious who exactly was subject to betrayal as the girls that started the fight simply said �you betrayed us� with out giving any further information. The scene is getting close to its climax when the girl with red-colored hair gets out a gun and intends to kill the woman who started a fight. Rapid movie tries to color in vivid colours the gravity of the moment by exhibiting flashbacks of the female with red hair when she was in the same situation. The flashbacks are of her staying at a gunpoint and when abruptly the individual threatening her removes the gun from her face and extras her life. Then the red head is noticed to mown that she cannot do it.
This moment of psychological power though is regarded as a weakness by her adversary, who seizes the moment to pin her to the wall and profits to strangle her using the sole of her shoe pressed against the redhead�s neck. The minute is stressed and proceeds for several seconds when the eyes of the protagonists lock and they both equally realize how unworthy their battle was. The experience of responsibility which was driving the assailant to continuously strike the sufferer abruptly disappears providing place to a superb sentiment of that belongs which both protagonists display by hugging each alternative. The fight arena ends with a minute of tenderness.
The minute of pleasure is short lived even though, when the woman we see in the beginning of the short motion picture makes the girl look and shoots the redhead. Then she proceeds to shoot the other girl who is weeping and holding the red head in her hands.
More details about indie film site: girl fight.

