Heuristicards — A flash deck of cognitive bias

Alex Knight
2 min readMay 27, 2019


Flash cards for memorizing cognitive bias

Recently, I came across a great list of cognitive bias at Humanhow.com. It states 49 different subconscious behavioural shortcuts (or heuristics), that the average persons uses to reduce mental load and speed up decision making in day to day life.

These behaviors can have a big effect on the way someone reacts a situation, so it’s always good to have them in the back of your mind when considering your user experience and designs.

But there are just so many, so I decided to create a flash deck to help with memorizing the concepts.

Introducing Heuristicards!

Each card is numbered and titled, with a short introduction to what it is and an example or study relating to it.

The explanations are short and to the point, so if you want to learn more about them, head over to humanhow.com, as they have some great resources and deep dives into the subject.

I am no way affiliated with their site, but I want to say a massive thank you as they have created a great resource, and I highly recommend you check it out.

If you are interested in getting your own Heuristicard deck, you can grab the PDF design files here.

Simply grab the zip and upload the PDFs to Moo Print, they are standard business card size, but feel free to drop a little extra on the fancy paper, if so inclined.

Let me know what you think!

Alex Knight

UX / UI Designer / Tokyo, Japan





Alex Knight

Product design lead at Bitcoin.com. Photographer (AGK42). Australian living in Tokyo.