Assignment 1 NT6094

2 min readFeb 7, 2024


(Agnes Indarwati Susanto 20923013)

My name is Agnes Indarwati Susanto. I was born and raised in Cirebon, so I have been living in Cirebon throughout my schooling. After graduating from high school, I continued my studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. I chose the Mathematics program because I have had a passion for mathematics since my school days. After completing my undergraduate degree in Mathematics, I pursued further studies in the field of Computational Science.

I enrolled in the course “Scientific Journal Writing Techniques” to formally learn how to write scientific journals effectively since I had no prior experience in journal writing. I believe this skill is crucial, especially as I plan to pursue a career as a lecturer and continue my education at the master’s level and beyond.

For this course, I am interested in creating a draft publication in the field of combinatorial algebra, specifically focusing on topics related to algebra combined with combinatorial mathematics, such as design theory and coding theory. Design theory addresses questions about the arrangement of elements in a finite set into subsets, satisfying certain “balance” properties. Coding theory, on the other hand, deals with the transmission of data across noisy channels and the recovery of corrupted messages. Design theory is closely connected to coding theory, as good error-detecting and error-correcting codes possess regularity properties similar to designs. In fact, designs can be constructed from codes.

As for my thesis project, I plan to delve deeper into the field of combinatorial algebra, specifically focusing on the construction of Jacobi polynomials. These polynomials represent many non-zero elements in a code. The Jacobi polynomials to be constructed will be with respect to several reference vectors for types of codes whose Jacobi polynomials are not yet known.

