How Coffee Circle Has Boosted Sales Growth With Magento!

Agnes Julia
1 min readJul 16, 2019


Coffee Circle, headquartered in Berlin actively supports coffee farmers through profit-sharing and investing in community projects. The principles of social responsibility and personal trade are united in its business model.

Coffee Circle wanted to have an upgraded Magento version with new extensions to smoothen their various tasks. Along with that they also want to have a multi-store workflow and a modified payment gateway.

Our Approach and Solutions

1. Skyrated the website performance by Magento version escalation.

2. Improved the speed and page optimization by fixing the core bugs.

3. Made use of new magento extension for better user experience.

4. Enriched the payment experience with an enticing checkout.

Tools we used for the success of the project are:- Magento,PHP,MySQL Server, Varnish Cache,Wordpress,SVN,,Git Integration,Slack

The Outcome

The project gave Coffee Circle good traction not only in Berlin but throughout Germany. Using two separate git repos allowed them to experiment on the live site without altering sales. The solution we developed extended the site the needed flexibility to implement/test any new risky features.

Read the client case study of Coffee Circle here:-

Would you like to read all the success stories of ours? Have a look at here:-

Check out the slides here:-



Agnes Julia

#DigitalMarketing Expert working ,#Writer @Hackernoon #Mobileappdevelopment #offshoring #softwaredevelopment #blockchain #BlockchainEvents #iosappdevelopment