Anthony Goodman
1 min readFeb 21, 2017


I’m nearly 18,500 days old! Boy I could tell you a thing or two… Just wait until you get past 15,000, son…. No! NO! DON’T WAIT. THERE ISN’T ENOUGH TIME. JUST GO FOR IT, GO FOR IT, GO FOR IT. You’re a long time dead… Don’t ya think? A long time dead. We were a long time unborn, 13.8 billion years, and how boring was that? Waiting to be born? Ha! That’s nothing to how long you’ll be dead, boy… Get it? ;-)



Anthony Goodman

A Goodman, retired Superhero, called back to help end the global epidemic of unmet emotional & economic needs - #humangivens #NVC #bitcoin #blockchain & #DMT!