Gather round, oh citizens of AGORA;

the future starts now

4 min readMay 18, 2019

It’s been a busy month for us at the AGORA Galactic HQ and we are finally able to announce that our website is up and running.

We would like to thank you, our early adopters, for joining us in this odyssey of building a public square for the 21st century. We have had an amazing response from the BSV community which has helped us validate our value proposition and the demand for a tool like AGORA.

AGORA — Alpha Release

An Update To All Users

We have now fully integrated Money Button into our website’s workflow which means that you are required to have a Money Button account to sign up for AGORA and that there’s a small fee to pay for every action but we have reduced the prices significantly (from $5 to sign up to $0.25, and from $1 to submit content to $0.05). We hope this will allow us to onboard more users and include more content.

Most of our early adopters signed up when our sign up process wasn’t quite ready but you are now able to visit our homepage and:

- Sign Up / Login
- Update Profile Picture and Cover Image
- Update Bio and Social Handles.

Users who signed up recently will notice that their Money Button ID number is already collected as they sign up.

For all others, we encourage you to revisit your homepage, update your data including your Money Button ID as for future releases you might not need a password at all but we will need to check your Money Button ID to make sure that only your wallet can login to your page — so if you don’t have your ID set by then you won’t be able to login.

Update your AGORA profile!

Latest Announcements:

New shortcuts are available to specific pages on the website:
Apoteka, Biblioteka, Mercato and Chronika can now be bookmarked independently along with your profile page.

Mercato has a few new sellers with new T-Shirt designs and we will be adding some more soon.

Our special thanks to @dagashi and @LinaDesign for their creativity.

Shop at AGORA


Looking Ahead

As we iterate both on our product and business plan, we recognise the challenges ahead. Some of these challenges are of a technical nature (let’s just say we’re not always taking the shortest way home by trying to be onchain as much as possible) but some of these challenges are natural to every startup; securing funding, finding the right legal framework and building a sustainable business, on top of building the product.

We believe that our early adopters are our greatest asset and our future advisors and we hope to someday be able to reward you as well, either by distributing equity to our most active users or by compensating you for the time you spend on our website.

What started as just an experiment is now a very ambitious project with a very committed team that won’t succeed unless the entire BSV ecosystem succeeds.

For the sake of transparency, as it is right now,

AGORA has taken;
- About 500 hours of volunteer work from 4 people,
- US$2,000 in fees paid to freelance professionals;
- US$ 184/Mo. in maintenance and hosting costs;

AGORA has received;
- About 150 sign ups
- 3 Youtube Video mentions / Interviews
- About 650 Twitter Followers
- Hundreds of likes and retweets
- 3 T-Shirts sold
- $400 in revenue (all visible on the blockchain)

So with lower sign up fees, we will need a lot of action on the website to further develop this product.

For this reason we will be launching a few new projects together with some of our users, like an art auction and a crowdfunding campaign as ways to help us jumpstart our next steps. We are also collecting donations on our homepage.

Are you a user? You can help us by:
- Using the website: Upload data onchain and reference it on AGORA
- Promoting us: Help us onboard new users to BSV
- Selling on AGORA: Reach out to us and list your products

Are you a developer?
Help us integrate your app into our workflow

Are you a lawyer, a potential partner or investor?
We are open for business. We would like to scale AGORA to where it belongs and we think the only way to do this is to establish cross-industry business partnerships. If you like our projects and feel like we could have a profitable partnership, contact us and request our pitch deck or business plan.

Contact us!

Thank you all for your support.

The AGORA team reaffirms its commitment to a transparent relationship with our users.

