AGORZ commences Sale for Private Investors in their ICO

Agorz ICO
2 min readMar 12, 2018

To Agorz Private Investors:

Being a private Investor is a social and economic class attest to your achievement and contribution. To reward your attention and appreciate your consideration to participate in Agorz Private ICO Sales, we are extending our appreciation by offering you additional 20% discount on the Pre-Ico Sales Price, valid for the period up to March, 23, 2018.

Agorz ICO Price= 0.000125 ETH

I ETH= 8000 GOZ

Assume Eth price in March 2018 = $700

Agorz Token (GOZ) price= $ 0.0875

Pre-Ico Price after Discount @45%= $0.048

Additional Discount for Private Sales @ 20%= 0.0097

Private Sales Goz Price=$0.0383

Agorz blockchain era is the statement where a shared understanding of reality of a change in issue is a necessity for any strategic chain cycle. This requires our team to align vision, strategies, decision support system, resource utilization, and other elements in creating a dynamic organization culture, which is the core for the service industries based on the requirement that the continuous anticipation of changes is essential. The marketplace cannot assume that current strategies and the tools of today can achieve future success.

Agorz is a game changer to the service marketplace. It is our responsibility to provide our members a platform with the highest capabilities.

Maintaining a continuous sense of urgency is required to make a mechanism within the marketplace that will accommodate future challenges.

Please learn about AGORZ better here



Agorz ICO

Agorz is a blockchain marketplace where users of the traditional marketplaces comes together in a decentralized marketplace for a faster and smoother deal.