how is breathing helpful?

Ashok Bhatt
2 min readMar 2, 2019


deep breathing & Diaphragmatic techniques

Diaphragmatic breathing is commonly called as belly breathing; it is not some kind of new thing at all. This is where you must concentrate exactly on the movement of abdominal wall and try to calm it.

Slowly you can benefit yourself with deep inhalation and exhalation. There should be a decrease in the respiratory rate. It is about the relaxation of the workload on our organs like the heart and lungs. Science has drawn conclusions on how our organs get exhausted and only belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing can help us get rid of the same.

Mental relaxation is the key to a healthy lifestyle. All you have to do is practice belly breathing properly at least twice a day.

We should not be chest breathers; these types are shallow breathers which exhaust the heart to pump blood at a faster rate. There is one more type of deep breathing which is called yogic breathing, it is actually an umbrella term for diaphragmatic, apical and chest breathing. This is about the extension of inhalation, increasing the breathing time, to feel deep inside the body. The ideal ratio between inhalation and exhalation is 1:2 which should be kept in mind at all times.

One must know their “ventilation-perfusion ratio”, the proper pattern of inhalation and exhalation with which your body is not just comfortable but also maintains the balance of air inside the body. Where you don’t feel like choking or breathless, it is the comfortable yet deeper zone of breathing.

This is important to remove the toxins created by the carbon dioxide, your body needs to eliminate the negative energy and belly breathing or various forms of breathing are the only way out. Deep breathing helps in enhanced oxygenation in the body, proficient removal of toxins from the systems inside the body.

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Ashok Bhatt

AGP Breath Work is top rated institution in breathing conscious & awareness.