Venom is an LGBTQA Icon

Anthony Gramuglia
6 min readOct 9, 2018

The rumor come out: does Venom is gay?

It is pretty clear that Venom is just the most recent of several monsters on the cinematic landscape that has been appropriated by the internet as a sex icon. Unlike, say, the Babadook, it may seem weird to argue that Venom above all others is some LGBTQA icon. Still, applying sexuality to the monstrous isn’t that unusual.

Hell, many people want to make passionate love with monsters.

Horror films especially have featured several characters oddly sexualized or romanticized by their audiences. (Especially characters created by Clive Barker.) Clive Barker once said on a documentary the following:

“Pinhead who doesn’t do a decent nice thing through eight movies…but somehow or other still gets fan mail from women who would like to bare his children.”

There is appeal to the inhuman and macabre. But usually…there’s something to it. The actor playing the monster is attractive. The monster has an inherently sexual element to him. Pennywise may be an eldritch monster who murders children, but Bill Skarsgard is attractive. Pinhead may rip your soul apart, but there’s something exciting about all those chains and needles.

Then the movie Venom came out.



Anthony Gramuglia

Writer, grown-up fan, and nerd with too much time on his hands. Anthony is here to post about writing, movies, literature, and more.