Free NPS / CSAT for Intercom

Antonio G
2 min readMay 23, 2020


What this app does

Datascope allows you to build your own forms and surveys for your customers. This way you can transform feedback into growth for your organization with the following features:

  • Customize dashboards with the data collected
  • Integrate with Google Sheet, Power BI, and more than 1000 platforms.
  • Custom PDF Builders
  • Build workflows with the data collected

What you’ll need?

A DataScope account is needed before integrating the app. You can create your own account at

How to set up the app

Authorize Intercom inside DataScope

You can log in and enter this link to authorize Intercom.

Build your first survey

Now you can create your own form. The form builder allows you to drag and drop the questions (Text, multi-option and description text).

How to use the app

Add the app in any Inbox conversation

Inside the Inbox of intercom now you can select any form you already created in previous steps.

Send a survey to the user

Now the user can answer the survey and the data will be in real-time on DataScope.



Antonio G

Learning every day more about Productivity, SaaS Growth, Software and Product Development