PDF Builder for Zapier

Antonio G
3 min readAug 28, 2020


This publication explains step by step how to build your PDF Document in Zapier using the PDF Builder Integration of DataScope.

PDF Builder for Zapier

This Zapier integration allows you to generate a PDF Document using more than 2000+ apps of data source and automatically notify these documents to an email list.

What you’ll need

The first step is to create a user a user in the DataScope Platform in this link.

New Account at DataScope

How to set up the app

Once you create your account you need to create your first Form to receive the data to fill the PDF Document, click on Start from scratch button.

Create a new form document from scratch

Select the type of inputs you are going to need to build your PDF. For example, text input, Photo, Signature, Date, and much more. We just created a Client Form as an example with Client Name, Photo, and Signature questions.

Document Builder at DataScope

Now click Save Form and that Document will be available on Zapier PDF Builder Integration.

Generating the PDF in Zapier

To generate your first Document first you need to accept the invite to the PDF Builder Zap here.

Now can use any trigger to generate the PDF. In this example, We are going to start with Google Sheet integration using the “New Spreadsheet Row” trigger.

We created a simple Google Sheet with the same attributes created on our Document Form: Client Name, Picture, and Signature.

Now to generate the PDF Document We are going to select Generate PDF Action of PDF Builder Zap.

You need to authenticate using the API Key available on this Integration Section like this screenshot.

Once you authenticate you are able to select the document created in the previous steps and filling this document with the data of the Google Spreadsheet.

You can select a list of Emails to notify, so when a Document is generated that person will be notified.

Now selecting the attributes of the document: Client Name, Photo, and Signature with the data of the Sheet I will receive automatically a PDF with a standard format like this.

In the configuration of the form, you can change the Logo image, the header of the PDF, the text of the email, or all the layout of the Document using the PDF Builder tool.

Change your PDF is really easy, just go to Form sections and then to PDF configuration Section and click “Open Editor”.



Antonio G

Learning every day more about Productivity, SaaS Growth, Software and Product Development