Swati Agrawal
4 min readMay 14, 2024

My Journey to Eating Healthier as a Corporate Employee

Hey fellow corporate comrades! Let's have a heart-to-heart about something we all struggle with – eating healthier while juggling our crazy work schedules. Trust me, I get it. Balancing those endless meetings and deadlines with nourishing our bodies can feel like a never-ending battle. But fear not, because I've been there, stumbled a few times, and picked myself back up. And now, I've got some down-to-earth tips to share with you.

1. Swapping the Junk: So, I started small by kicking refined flour and sugar to the curb whenever I could. Look, I’m not saying I’ve gone full-on health nut – life’s too short to pass up a slice of cake at the office birthday party. But I try to opt for the healthier options whenever possible.

2. Saying 'No' to Peer Pressure: It’s tough when your colleagues are all digging into greasy takeout while you’re eyeing that sad-looking salad. But I’ve learned to stick to my guns and save those treats for when I really want them. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.

3. Getting Creative in the Kitchen: Who says eating healthy has to be boring? I’ve discovered a whole world of tasty salads and wraps that keep me satisfied without weighing me down. It’s all about finding what works for you.

4. Bye-Bye 'Cheat Days’: Instead of waiting for that one day a week to indulge, I’ve ditched the 'cheat day' mentality altogether. If I’m craving something, I’ll treat myself in moderation whenever the mood strikes. Life’s too short to deprive yourself of the good stuff.

5. Listening to My Body: I used to be a member of the clean plate club, even when I was stuffed to the gills. But now, I’ve learned to tune in to my body’s signals and stop eating when I’ve had enough. Leftovers are a beautiful thing, my friends.

6. No More Food Guilt: Guilt and food? Yeah, they’re not invited to my party anymore. I give myself permission to enjoy the foods I love without beating myself up about it. Balance, people – it’s all about balance.

7. Healthy Doesn’t Mean Hungry: Let’s bust that myth right now. Eating healthy doesn’t mean starving yourself. I make sure to fuel my body with nutritious foods that keep me satisfied and ready to tackle whatever the day throws my way.

8. Meal Planning FTW: Okay, I’ll admit it – I used to wing it when it came to meals. But now, I take a few minutes to plan out my meals for the week. It saves me time, money, and a whole lot of stress.

9. Moving My Body: Exercise doesn’t have to mean sweating it out at the gym for hours. I find little ways to move my body throughout the day, whether it’s taking a stroll during my lunch break or busting out a quick workout video at home.

10. Embracing Culinary Adventures: I’m all about trying new things in the kitchen. You never know – you might just stumble upon your new favorite healthy dish. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

11. Healthy Eating on a Budget: Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are plenty of budget-friendly options out there – you don’t need to drop a fortune on trendy superfoods to nourish your body.

So there you have it – my personal journey to eating healthier as a corporate employee. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it. Here's to nourishing our bodies and minds as we conquer the corporate world, one nutritious meal at a time!

Swati Agrawal

Chartered Accountant with a curious mind. Writing on finance, AI, life, relationships, habits, and data analysis. Exploring diverse topics.