Durian is the world’s most reviled fruit

Agriculture news
3 min readJan 8, 2022

Durian is the largest fruit in size and smell, with a distinctive thorned rind that can be found on most species. It’s also been reported to have an unpleasant taste for some people when they’re not fully ripe; however others find it refreshing and enjoyable despite its unique qualities. The durians’ large size makes them stand out among other produce items available at markets or grocery stores alike where many shoppers might overlook this delicious treat due largely because of how unassuming its appearance may seem initially glance upon.

The durian fruit, which can grow as large and ripe at 30 centimeters (12 inches) long 15 cm in diameter. This tropical Asian delicacy typically weighs 1 to 3 kilograms with an oblong shape ranging from green or brown husks depending on the species while their color changes dependent upon what part of its body you’re referring too — pale yellow flesh for some people who find it pleasingly sweet scent others however describe it as nauseating due tto overpowering aroma that’s often described variously like rotten onions turpentine raw sewage.

The durian is a fruit that has been cultivated for centuries in Southeast Asia. The original type was found to have mixed results when grown from seeds, but now they are being propagated by layering or grafting onto different rootstocks like bud/veneer stock where there’s more uniformity with regards shape variations among cultivars than before due largely because of selective breeding which allows farmers increasingly precise control over what qualities they want their crop(s) producing without having any pollen bacteria mixing between specimens.

Durian is the world’s most reviled fruit, but also its favorite. The durians of Thailand are some of nature’s sweetest and spiciest residents; they produce a versatile array that can be found anywhere from India to Australia or Hong Kong — even if you don’t love them (or smell like one) there will still likely always find your way back into someone else’s stomach!

The durian fruit is a natural source of much-needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as thiamine which helps to keep the nervous system healthy. The fruit also contains vitamin B6 for increased energy levels among other things! It has been reported that people in countries where there are lots or durians tend live longer lives than those without access due its health benefits — it’s not uncommon at all if you eat them regularly while they’re fresh off the tree (which isn’t recommended). So next time your stomach starts rumbling just because of hunger pains; think back on these words.

The latest news and information on the Durian fruit market is available at this website. Durians are a delicious fruit that has been enjoyed all over the world for centuries. The Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo are considered to beleaders in production, making them responsible for up 1191750 metric tonnes annually! Though durian might not travel well due its strong smell many people enjoy eating this unique dish while traveling through Southeast Asia countries like Malaysia or Thailand.



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