The mango is a popular and nutritious fruit

Agriculture news
3 min readJan 19, 2022

The mango is a delicious fruit that can be found all over the world. It’s not only an Indian dish though, because it comes from other parts of Asia as well! The majority (80%)of these mannivated species live in South East Asia where they’re known by their names “mangoes” or just ‘melon’.

There are many cultivars of mango, but they all have one thing in common- their love for thrips. Mango trees can be found growing up to 40 meters tall with a crown radius 10 -15 meter large making them an attractive proposition as street decorations or windbreaks if you’re looking into planting something that will fruit year after year on your property!

In 2020, there were 55 million tonnes of mangoes produced in the world. India has 45% share with Indonesia being second-largest source for this fruit after accounting for almost half (48%)of all cultivated varieties on Earth! Other countries that produce large amounts include China which accounts 23%, Pakistan 10%. However these totals only account globally traded goods — so what does it mean? Well most importantly: nobody eats anymore without putting something into their stomachs first ;)

Mangoes are generally sweet, although the taste and texture of flesh varies across cultivars; some have a soft pulpy juicy consistency similar to an overripe plum while others such as Tommy Atkins possess firmer textured cantaloupes or avocados which make them more fibrous in nature. The skin on these fruits can be eaten raw but should stay away if you suffer from any form of contact dermatitis because it’ll irritate your mouth considerably more than other parts would! They’re also versatile enough for use within many cuisines including chutneys (see Mango Chutney), pickles — especially sour ones-, daals(side dishes)and even desserts like ice-creams .

The mango is a popular and nutritious fruit grown around the world. It can be found in many different types of soil, but does not require any particular kind for best results! The trees also grow well where there are plenty rains to offer them moisture throughout their roots system withstanding drought years when necessary — which makes it an ideal plant if you live somewhere hot or otherwise climate-controlled areas aren’t really suitable either due personal taste preferences about what foods should grow here at home. Mangoes were first introduced into India over 5000 years ago by traders who brought seeds back from overseas travels during ancient times; since then this delicious treat has become associated not just Hindu religious rituals like those involving Buddha himself receiving his own grove outside Northern.

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