Agriculture Baca
2 min readSep 9, 2023

Basic Steps of Organic Farming, Methods and Benefits

Basic Steps of Organic Farming, Methods and Benefits

Basic Steps of Organic Farming, Methods and Benefits

What is organic Farming?:

Organic farming is a method of obtaining production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, using organic fertilizers, mixed cropping, crop rotation, maintaining the fertility of the soil by greening, conservation of natural pest and disease control insects and weed control without the use of chemicals. In which more production is not the goal but quality production without chemical residue is given importance.

Advantages of Organic Farming

Organic farming improves the physical, chemical and biological condition of the soil. Soil fertility and productivity increase progressively.

Organic farming helps in maintaining soil moisture. Water percolation is good in such soil. This prevents the water from running off the soil, thus preventing soil erosion.

Organic farming provides favorable conditions for crops. Hence resistance to diseases and pests develops.

Unnecessary agricultural waste and agricultural by-products can be put to optimum use.

Click here for more Details….Basic Steps of Organic Farming, Methods and Benefits