The Future of Agriculture

2 min readDec 30, 2021


Everyday we are innovating and creating new ideas to better help the future of humanity. With issues such as climate change and population growth, new technologies are at the forefront of solving these problems. Smart farming and Data Science are tools that help us sustain our communities needs.

Smart Farming is developing towards digitalized and data-driven operations, advanced decision support systems, smart analyses, and planning, among others. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) have unlocked a new direction of innovative research for smart agriculture.

Agricultural mechanization and automation technologies have led farming into a new era of robotics in agriculture. Current autonomous ground and aerial robots can gather operational data as well as affect the operations on a broader basis than manual practices. Such robotic technologies have a strong potential to further reduce the use of labor and increase the precision and efficiency of production inputs. Moreover, they can contribute to increased agricultural productivity and long-term sustainability of the industry, facing the new challenges of resource-efficient and environmentally-friendly agricultural production.

Data Science and Big Data technologies are playing an essential role in the development of smarter farms. Machines are now equipped with all kinds of sensors that measure data in their environment and provide valuable feedback for farmers to analyze their harvest, This is leveraged by combining with other, external data sources such as weather or market data or benchmarks with other farms.

Agroplug is on a mission to futher push the innovation of these new technologies and practices in efforts to create a smarter and greener future for mankind. By developing a network of innovators to buy, sell, and trade in a market of complete transparency is essential to the growth of the digital transformation of agriculture. Allowing industry professionals to communicate and make transactions without any external forces pushing their own agendas creates an environment of trust and give professionals the confidence to adopt practices that work to benefit their operations.

The future is now, the things we do today effect the things that happen tomorrow. We are the change and we control our destiny. Join our community of innovators in creating a smarter and greener future!




Merging Blockchain, AI, Robitics, IoT, Data Science and Machine Learning with Agriculture. Our Mission is to be the Gold Standard of Digital Agriculture.