Banyan tree bonsai care

Bhupinder Singh
6 min readNov 9, 2022


ficus microcarpa bonsai tree banyan tree bonsai tree Laurel fig bonsai tree Chinese banyan bonsai tree

Banyan tree / Laurel Fig

( Ficus microcarpa )

Country of Origin : South Asia
Bonsai Styles : Formal upright, Informal upright, root over rock
Zone : 9–11

Ficus microcarpa (also known by various names such as: Laurel fig, Chinese banyan, glossy-leaf fig, Indian Laurel, Green Island Ficus, Malay banyan, or simply banyan) is an extremely desirable bonsai tree.

There are also other varieties of ficus which are used to make a bonsai tree.

This tree has evergreen, leathery, oval, broad, ending in a point, glossy green alternate leaves. These leaves grow very dense on the branches, pretty much covering the whole branch.

The tree can also be multi-trunked. The trunk is light brown in color. It is smooth and has tiny bumps and fissures.

This tree develops aerial roots from its sturdy trunk. These aerial roots sink into the ground and also take over the function of the trunk. These aerial roots are one of the main reasons why bonsai Banyan tree is highly sought after.

The bark looks attractive all year round, ranging from a grayish to a ruddy-gray tone.

This tropical/sub-tropical tree is also easy to maintain and a good choice for bonsai beginners. Additionally, it is an excellent choice for indoor bonsai tree.

Read more about other pine tree bonsai in : Bonsai tree care .

Best location to keep Banyan tree Bonsai

Ficus microcarpa bonsai tree can be kept indoors all year long. Sunny and partially shaded location, both are good. However, keep it away from direct midday sun.

In a brighter location, the tree will grow vigorously, and it will produce more leaves.

You can keep the bonsai pot in a west, south or east facing window or windowsill. Or you can even use grow lights.

Choose your location wisely and avoid changing the bonsai’s location frequently. The tree does not take well to sudden changes in temperature.

Also do not keep it in a drafty location. You can place the banyan bonsai outside from May to September. It can even be kept outside in the night time if the temperature is above 60°F (15°C).

During the winter season, the laurel fig bonsai tree will flourish in a warm room with a temperature between 64°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C). You can even place it next to a radiator if you wish.

IMP: Refer sunlight requirements for indoor plants for more indoor gardening ideas. Also, refer to do bonsai trees need sunlight for more indoor and outdoor bonsai location ideas.

Propagation of Banyan tree

This tree can be propagated using seeds, cuttings or air layering. Its very easy to propagate these plants.

When using cuttings, take 3–5 inch long stem cuttings from the top canopy of the tree (in summer). Plant the cuttings in a potting soil or keep them in a jar of water. Maintaining a temperature around 75°F (24°C) is ideal.

Application of rooting hormone is optional. You will see decent amount of roots in 25 to 30 days.

When using seeds, sow the seeds in a potting mix. (preferably inorganic potting soil). Keep the potting mix just moist.

You should see germination in about 1–2 months.

If there is enough plant material available, it is also possible to use air layering.

I would recommend using cutting or air layering method instead of using seeds.

Watering Banyan tree Bonsai

Laurel fig bonsai trees should be kept evenly moist at all times to ensure their good health.

Give plenty of water during the growing season of spring to autumn, but less water if the plant is located somewhere cool.

During the growing season, it is also advisable to mist the leaves quite frequently.

When it is winter, water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out a little before watering it again.

The foliage of a plant will shed if the tree is too wet or too dry.

In spite of this, it prefers to be dry rather than to be flooded with water.

In most cases, normal tap water will suffice.

The bonsai container should be placed on a humidity tray filled with damp pebbles if you are keeping it indoors.

Read watering bonsai tree for more details.

Wiring Banyan tree Bonsai

Due to the rapid growth and thickening of the branches and their ability to retain their flexibility for a long time, the laurel fig is an ideal bonsai material for wire training.

Wiring can be done at any time of the year.

However, wiring should only be performed on branches that have become slightly woody (lignified).

Also keep checking the wires and make sure that, over time, the wires are not biting into the branch.

Remove the wires at the right time and rewire the branch if necessary.

Pruning Banyan tree Bonsai

When to prune Banyan tree bonsai?

How to prune Banyan tree bonsai?

For a mature tree to grow a thicker trunk and also to develop a substantial root system, you will be required to let the tree grow.

It is recommended that young trees have their trunks severely cut back several times in order to develop a strong trunk. At this time the water requirements of the tree will reduce.

The branches can be pruned at any time of the year.

When new shoots have grown 6 to 8 leaves, they are pruned back to 1 to 3 leaves.

At the time of spring, the tree can be completely defoliated. This will reduce the size of the leaves and also improve branching.

Also, prune the large leaves on the tree on a regular basis. As a result, more air and light will be able to reach the inside of the crown.

After pruning, a milky sap is exuded from the pruning wound. You can wipe this sap to avoid staining. Use cut paste to seal the wound.

When you are trying to encourage twiggy growth in your bonsai that already has sturdy branches, you can remove the tip of each new shoot as soon as the shoot reaches a length of about 5cm (2in) in length. By doing this, you will be encouraging the growth of buds further down the shoot.

Repotting Banyan tree Bonsai

When to repot Banyan tree bonsai?

Bonsai banyan trees can be repotted every 2–3 years in the spring. However, this can also be done in the summer after leaf pruning.

You can also do some root pruning. Do not remove more than 1/3rd of the root system.

Laurel fig bonsai trees are typically sold in a different soil mix, means that they need to be gradually accustomed to the new, loamy soil in which they will grow.

It is necessary to change half of the soil every two years at the time of repotting.

You can use a moist, free-draining, bonsai soil mix as a potting soil.

Or you can use a mixture of akadama, sand, peat and garden soil at a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

Or sand, peat and loam in the ratio of 2:2:1

Or potting compost, fired clay particles and sand in the ratio 1:1:1.

Must Read: Bonsai Soil Recipes

Must read : Choosing the right bonsai container

Feeding Banyan tree Bonsai

Feed your bonsai tree every two weeks from spring to autumn with liquid fertilizer or a houseplant fertilizer.

In winter you can reduce the feeding frequency to once per month.

Read more about bonsai fertilizer and its application.

Diseases and pest of Banyan tree Bonsai

Bonsai ficus microcarpa tree is hardly ever attacked by pests.

However in case of infestation of Scales, mealybugs, spider mites, use manuall methods such as spraying with a water jet to dislodge the insects.

Or use a systemic insecticide. You can even use warm soapy water or horticultural soap to rinse the leaves. You can even use neem oil.

Banyan tree bonsai care

Try and redirect the aerial roots when they are young and thin. (when it has just started to turn woody)

To increase their chances of surviving the winter, make sure that they are touching the soil or going into the soil. The new small buds of aerial roots emerging from the trunk will more likely dry out in winter.

As this plant prefers warm soil, it is best to avoid cold temperatures near the roots of this plant.

If roots are over-watered, they are likely to die as a result of root rot.

There is a possibility that the plant will tolerate some low light and cooler temperatures. Despite the robust nature of this tree, it can be shaped into every style of bonsai that can be imagined.



Bhupinder Singh

A farmer and an exporter of fresh produce. I have a heritage of farming and I’m also a certified agriculturist and aquaculturalist.