Austin StukesinLiterate SchoolsInquiry and Testing: A Relationship That CAN WorkWhen you look back and think of your greatest memories in school what do you think of? Do you think of the hour-long lecture in Mrs…Jun 14, 20161Jun 14, 20161
Austin StukesinLiterate SchoolsEvolution vs CreationismA big debate in education is what to teach when it comes to teaching the origin of the world. The main two sides are evolution and…Jun 4, 20163Jun 4, 20163
Austin StukesinLiterate SchoolsBoys Rule and Girls Drool?When people think of sexism, they typically think of sexism towards girls. Many people overlook the other side of sexism towards boys…Jun 2, 2016Jun 2, 2016
Austin StukesinLiterate SchoolsOvercome Your SurroundingsI grew up in Lexington, South Carolina. This is a suburban town outside of the city of Columbia. Growing up I never had many issues in…May 21, 20161May 21, 20161
Austin StukesinLiterate SchoolsThe Morality of EducationThe purpose of education is to further a student’s knowledge not only in academics, but also in everyday life. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr…May 14, 20161May 14, 20161