TOP 1 Cycling Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself poster

3 min readOct 10, 2020


- Whoa … whoa. _ She meticulously wiped my blood, strengthened the medicine, and then put a tape on me. You look so pitiful, such a gentle woman like that, why love my brother. My brother is also not handsome, he only has empty hands, what’s good about it?

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- Does he often beat me like this?
- Not at all, sometimes he is pressured at work, drinking and then messing around like that. _ Just said in a sad voice and looked away into the street.
- I am young, do not understand love story very well, I can find a man much better than my brother. _ I asked in surprise.

- Hi hi … I don’t know either, maybe because I love him. She smiled kindly and said, I’m really sorry for someone like you.
- Love has to endure like that?
- When you love, you will understand. _ She patted my head and smiled.
- Haizzzz …… ._ I sighed and looked at the street.
- What is it, young man? Lost love already?

- Hey! May I ask a little delicate matter?
- God! Ask, always put.
- When you met Black, were you still a girl?
- Are not! _ Just looked at me in surprise, but then answered.
- Did Black Brother know that?
- You know, I told him.
- He doesn’t pay attention to whether you still have or not?

- Actually drinking sometimes, he often brings it out to curse her. But you know he also loves her, he doesn’t matter that past.
- So if the person who loves you also no longer exists, do you not know if you get married later?
- This guy, there is a big game. _ She took my head and said.

- But why are you asking me like that? It matters what you think about yourself, do you really love that person?
- I love that person very much, but I still feel uncomfortable, sister.
- I don’t study much, I don’t know what words to tell me. It’s just saying my thoughts like this. Men always want to have sex with their lover before marriage, but why do they want their wives to remain a virgin. Do you understand what I said?
- Well … uh … a bit too.

- That person said she was forced to do it once when she was drunk, since then she has stopped doing it. Should I believe those words?
- Why do you ask me, believe it or not, it’s just how much I understand the person. But whether it is forced or proactive, is that so important to me, Khanh?
- Stupid, if she is not forced to say that, it means she cheated, hiding me.
- Haizzzzz …… ._ Just sighed and looked in a directionless direction.

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