Introducing Autem.eth

2 min readFeb 7, 2021


A Minimal Ethereum dApp for creating and managing decentralized testamentary wills and trusts.

An example of an Autem trust, can be found here

Cryptocurrency helps us to take control over one of the key aspects of our lives: money. It lets us hold, trade, lend and borrow funds without ever having to trust a third party, keeping our key and our money always in our possession.

Autem.eth adds another tool to the DeFi toolset, one that’s usually overlooked; it provides means to manage our funds when we aren’t here anymore.

With Autem, creating a testamentary will becomes a simple process.

  • Create a trust contract.
  • Choose a beneficiary and owner.
  • Pick the duration of the dead-man-switch.

This process results in a new Ethereum contract; you can send funds to this contract to include them on the trust.

The trust works using a dead-man-switch; this means that as long as you regularly use the contract, its funds can only be accessed by you (the owner). But if you stop interacting with the contract, a countdown triggers, and when it reaches zero, the beneficiary gains access to the trust and its funds.

Is there a cost or fee?

No, creating or interacting with trusts is a free process, and it doesn’t have any limits. The underlying blockchain charges transaction fees independently from Autem.

Can the owner access the trust after the countdown?


How do I add multiple beneficiaries?

If you want different beneficiaries to receive different amounts, you should create multiple trust contracts; if you wish all beneficiaries to access the same trust contract, I recommend using a Gnosis safe wallet as the beneficiary of the trust.

Can I add a description to my trust?

Yes, you can configure a name and a description. Keep in mind this information is stored in plain text on the underlying blockchain, so please be careful to don’t include any personal or sensible information.

Has the project been audited?

The project hasn’t been formally audited yet; however, the contracts are designed to be as simple as possible and are easy to understand even with minimal technical knowledge.

Why don’t you add <this> feature?

Given the delicate nature of the project, I decided to keep functionality at a minimum. You can also achieve any more complex desired behavior by combining the project with other Ethereum tools.

Can I deposit ERC20, NFTs, or any other kind of assets?

Yes. Withdrawing some assets may require manually encoding transaction data and calling a contract, but it’s possible to store any asset.

Can the same trust hold multiple asset types?


Can I deposit Bitcoin?

No. But you can deposit any Bitcoin wrapped into an ERC20 token.

How do I access the site?

You can use the web app hosted on

