Cyber Security Solutions — AHAD Securely Transforming

Ahad me
3 min readNov 9, 2023

In the realm of digital world, cyber attackers are always in search for loopholes in our systems. They aim to perform malicious activities to gain unauthorized access to our system, steal our sensitive data, damage the servers or disturb our digital life. This is what a cyber-attack is all about.

Cyber-attacks can come from several sources including rivalry companies, terrorist groups, or an independent group of cyber attackers. Their only purpose is to gain access to a organization’s system and steal data or interrupt the server. No organizations can bear the cost of losing their sensitive data. That’s where you need to hire a cyber defense services in UAE.

Companies like AHAD are the best Cyber Defense Service Providers in Dubai that provide Advanced Cyber Defense to guard your assets, keep to you connected to this digital world, and detects upcoming cyber-attacks. In this article, we will deliver information on our core services that can help you live in a safer cyber world.

Core Services:

Our core services are the brilliant approaches to examine and tackle cyber threats:

1. VIRTUAL CISO — A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is one who is responsible to manage organization’s security by harnessing his technical expertise and experience. AHAD’s Virtual CISO Advisory Services can provide a complete solution to your organization(s) security. Our team is equipped with former CISOs who are proficient in setting up security infrastructures from zero level and managing the existing security solutions.

2. SOC 2.0 — Security Operations Centre refers to the heart of the organization’s security operations. This helps you visualize, assess, and protect your sensitive information and shields from cyber-attacks. SOC 2.0 takes it to the next level by incorporating human intelligence with machines potential and provides a smoother and thorough security operations.

Our solutions integrate all four fundamental elements of SOC 2.0 including Operation support system, Automation, risk management, and cyber incident response Dubai handling to your security system.

3. Offensive security — Offensive Security or OffSec is the process of applying a range of security methods to solidify the network security. It uses well known dummy attacks use in real-world attacks. This kind of security operations are generally performed by ethical hackers.

Our team of cyber security professionals harness several offensive security methods including red teaming, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment to keep an organization secure in this digital world.

4. Digital Forensics — Digital forensics can be divided in the following category:

A). Network Forensics — Network Forensics refers to the analysis and monitoring the network in order to collect network information like network traffic information, breach detection, or proofs.

All the data into a network are volatile in nature that makes network forensics more sensitive. Our network forensics team ensures fast and lossless data collection, develops all possibilities of an attack, investigates network and ensures network benchmark.

B). Malware Analysis — As the name suggests, malware analysis refers to the process of analyzing loose files (malware) within a network by using different methods like dynamic analysis, static analysis or reverse engineering.

Our team of cyber experts are experienced in analysing detected malwares and executing them in a safe virtual environment that ultimately increases your security intelligence.

C.) Endpoint Forensics — Endpoints are the physical devices such as mobile devices, servers, and computers and embedded devices that help in connecting and transferring data via networks. Endpoint Forensics refers to the process of conducting analysis and diagnosis or an attack at the endpoints.

Our network experts can incorporate real-time analytics for rapid diagnosis and ensures a secure system by securing investigation.

5. Managed IDAM and PAM — PAM (Privileged Access Management) refers to a cyber security solution that helps organizations monitor, detect, and prevent from unauthorized access to the sensitive data.

Our professionals are experienced in working with PAM Software and Tools and they will guide you through the whole process which will ensure your system security from any external threats.



Ahad me

Ahad Cyber Security Solutions is a leading provider of comprehensive cybersecurity services. Website:-