It’s Time to Meet The Gangsters Of Love🙄…

9 min readJun 13, 2024


10 Songs My By The Sex Addicted Male. (SAM)

Welcome to your Brave New Dating World.

A man once said that money only amplifies who you are.

While that’s true, as a man, the ability to over-satisfy 7/10 women you sleep with also amplifies who you are.

When you notice you have the “gift” that some guys don't, it’s easy to lose your mind, especially if you have a personality disorder, aka “low dopamine.”

Living in a capitalistic society means that you, the individual, create the “norms’ and “standards” because you aren’t getting them from the Bible.

Biblically speaking, a woman who is not married to you has no obligation to sleep with you outside of marriage, and we are a nation of people who threw away our collective morality years ago.

No Tradition, Religion, Morality =

Natural Selection.

The man with a high Explicit Sexual Market Value (6–10) and a high Perceived Psychological Sexual Market Value (7–10) has the body language, confidence, and the ability to make a woman come back time after time.

He’s considered top tier or “Alpha” by the 17–33-year-old women who have baby-making hormones running through them.

Being picked first for your high school basketball team, being taller than most men, being a great leader, and being a fighter make you “Alpha” to men.

So these guys get chosen quicker for jobs in law enforcement, professional sports, and even gangs by people who have power or money flowing through their hands.

Being an Alpha among men doesn’t make you an Alpha among woman. Being able to overwhelm a woman financially or sexually often does the trick

The problem is that some of us also have “The 24/7 Sex Screen” in our minds, which turns itself on when we are about 11–15, whether we are have ability to please a woman or not.

At least three people, including myself, have said it doesn’t go away.

For James Bond and men like myself, seeing an attractive woman and subtly suggesting (Verbal Sexual Advance) that she meet us privately, wearing as few clothing items as possible, is as common as some people waking up, and sparking up a joint, or fastening your seat belt before driving away from your home.

When she selects us, it’s because she's ready to submit to us sexually.

We leave the whole “pretending not to have sex as a primary objective" to phony men or those who are vetting a wife.

We only talk to women who give us the same energy we give to them: sexual energy.

Authenticity is the highest vibe, and the SAM has little to lose and can take hearing a “No” because it’s a numbers game to him. That’s why he gets told “Yes” so often.

Then, in the car, condo, or our home, she can now accept our Physical Sexual Advances as her heart beats faster and she takes off her clothes:

Next, we touch, smell, and taste the woman who did not turn away from our visual sexual advances. You already know that body language is 90% communication for mammals.

If a woman doesn’t reject us with her body language or verbal language, she conveys that she passively accepts us.

That’s why James Bond would cheerfully sing along to one of these many songs if he were into music.

“What am I supposed to do when I have a 24/7 porn flick in my mind?”

That’s what my African friend asked with a smile and a laugh that contained just a little bit of defeat-- after I pressed him into telling me how much he spends on American prostitutes.

If he knew what he was doing, the 6-foot man who is hung like a mule (a woman pointed out that she could see his penis through his pants) would be a menace to female society; that’s why he doesn’t need to spit out the Blue Pill:

He doesn’t have a “game” like James Bond or myself, and I refuse to teach him because he is just going to hurt American women with his bullshit.

But he did have a valid question.

What other men did to handle the barrage of sex scenes was to act out as many of them as humanly possible.

They accepted the “Gift," stopped asking questions, and started making music about the thing they had come to love most, only after air, water, and food.

Those of us with low dopamine and the Sex Screen would need drugs, and women, those of us without, would turn a woman’s body into a wonderland just like John Mayer:

While there are many more, these are the most notable guys who choose Sexual Pleasure with multiple women over Sexual Purpose with one woman because of the never-ending sex story that’s playing in the screen of their minds; it’s full of past, present, and potential lovers, including the pretty girl he met 5 minutes ago.

#1. The Joker:

One thing Dr. Drew Pinsky said that I’ll never forget when I was a 12-year-old boy was how addiction means that we do things despite adverse consequences.

The guy tells you about the negative consequences while insisting he isn’t trash for his behavior.

He wants a girl at home to deal with his everyday shit, then more women on top of that.

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement:

“I really love your peaches, and I want to shake your tree….”

He doesn’t add that it will be a short time before he sees and seduces another woman and ignores the first; she kind of has to figure that part out for herself.

As I thought about his words, I understood what he was saying:

Gangsters take, and take until you move away from them, they go to jail, or he gets killed.

Sex Addicted Males are the “takers" of a woman’s body, using manipulation and using natural high Explicit Sexual Market 7/10 that keeps the woman coming back for more. Then she has to set new rules to prevent herself from getting bent over and screwed over.

#2 Take It Easy:

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement: “… looking for a lover who won’t blow my cover”.

In Random Alpha Male Player lingo: “I want a woman okay with me having sex and relationships with other woman, because she has no TERMs just like me…She is Tradition, Empathy, Religion and Morality free. That’s why she won’t tell another woman she is being cheated on, even if she works at her job or lives in same apartment complex as that woman. He’s looking for a female version of himself.

#3. Hot Blooded

Eye rolling SAM establishing Statement:

First we gotta get away from you know who.”

I spotted you at my show or someone’s show, made eye contact and now I need to know if you choose Sexual Pleasure over Sexual Purpose like I do.

This guy is akin to that guy that makes love to the Mob Bosses wife, after seducing her over a period of time.

“I like ya, and I want ya, regardless of your past, present or future plans...” Like Scarface’s “F**K Face song, you can be engaged or whatever, because it’s just sex anyway and I won’t commit to you.

That’s what he’s saying in not so many words.

#4 Bad To The Bone

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement: “I want be yours pretty baby , Yours and yours alone, I’m here to tell you honey, that I’m bad to the bone.

He just finished telling her how he won’t be satisfied with one woman, and has broken a thousand hearts, who also believed he could commit by giving him a sexual buffet, and he will break a thousand more, if they have no understanding.

#5. Oh Sheila

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement: “I’ll love you baby, endlessly”.

Goodness, if I had a million dollars for every time I told a woman that I would be in her life forever, not having the capacity to do so for more than a few months (till the newness wears off) I would not have to become a successful author.

The problem is as a SAM, our feelings are based on how a woman looks (PSMV) which means once we see a better looking woman than the one we have, the feelings are gone.

Just like the woman who loved us for our soul, or in my case Nevaeh Lee Grace.

#6. Move It Like This

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement:

After this fool’s masterpiece about using a sob story to get a good woman to think he is not a bad boy, he gives a moral of the story.

“Life brings you surprises…”

What he means is because he has high PSMV and ESMV there is always a new woman with no understanding, to accept his bullshit.

In other words, he won’t learn anything until a woman stabs him or destroys his car, or even him.

The video actually goes a step farther and shows the little sissy that worships women, while rejecting honesty, actually turns nto one.

#7. Dude

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement:

Her ex-boyfriend used to come then falls asleep, that’s when mi pager starts beep, she said “Beanie….”

The guy is in a smallish town sleeping with women who belong to other men.

That’s a great way to get killed.

#8 Mamba number 5

Eye Rolling SAM establishing Statement:

The whole song is about sex with women he sorta/kinda knows.

Not only does the sex addict have no morals but he’s the type, that actually lies to women or just does the Don’t ask Don’t Tell policy.

In the same way Taylor Swift honestly tells you it probably won’t last forever, (and thrust herself into a higher Psychological Sexual Market Value, compared to her Dishonest American Party Girls counterparts) the man that explains that he’s just here for a good time, is still less despised than “The Joker".

#9 Tony Matterson:

SAM establishing Statement:

If You can’t find the bed your not coming with me..”

The whole songs about sex with randoms, and he likes them in numbers.

10. Run to you.

SAM establishing Statement:

If the feelings right, I’m going stay all night."

Because I’m basically like an immoral woman who goes by her feelings, I only get along with them. In fact that’s the only kind I can use for more than a few weeks!

And there you have it.

Because these guys all have the same mindset, they all say similar things, and the pattern is easily spotted.

Eye-rolling claims of monogamy are made while possessing a nature and mindset that can’t truly support it.

It’s as though these thoughts are super imposed over us .

At some point, many of us stop lying, but not until we’ve played "The Joker" to get a woman who doesn’t sleep around, to sleep with us.

Or our even our friend’s girlfriend.

Then we want the women we cheated and lied to constantly to now “Take It Easy", instead of destroying our vehicle Carrie Underwood style.

Just to keep a woman around , we often feign that we could have a future together aka….”future faking".

Meanwhile, we only care for the woman who will do one thing and as a result, she need not be skilled at commerce, computers, or even college educated.

The only job we have for her is to get butt naked where no one else but us, the Man Above and the demons below can see, as she “Moves It Like This".

She just needs to accept our sob story about how we got left for “no good reason" and even have a tattoo of that special someone.

If only there were another woman to take her place, we lament, while looking at your body language 🙄.

That’s why the woman who though she could connect with me through sex, never had a chance.

Sex hasn’t been about a connection, since the first good we had women left is because we couldn’t just have sex with her, no matter how much she gave us.

But we feign that she left us or we grew apart for no good reason.

And as most women quickly find out, that woman left because we were “no good" and that was the reason!

Thanks for reading!




"Your Actions Are You Are, Your Words Are Who You Want To Be:" Neveah Lee Grace