“Are you an Alpha Male Or a Beta Male”?

7 min readJan 24, 2024


He wanted to know which side of nature that I was on.

The 6-foot-tall guy at my job wanted an answer, and I bet you do, too. However, he was my hater, not a friend.

The man had felt some way ever since I stopped talking to a girl he liked.

His name will be Cody* and her name will be Samantha* in this story.

She seemed too innocent for me, so I stopped talking to her, but the man is a sex addict, so he generally notices everything concerning women.

He wanted to be her first choice.

Even though I was 38 years old, the 27-year-old woman chose me because I, too, knew exactly what to say. After all, I had practice.

Because natural selection did not choose me, I have to use pills, creams, or techniques to do what Cody* does organically, and that includes having kids.

Like Ethan Hawke’s character, I could not get into Gattica.

But because I can be a High-Value Man to other men, regardless of the size, strength, or stamina of my pecker, it becomes a confusing concept.

While my peers can respect me if I provide them value, what good am I to the 18–33-year-old Prime Aged Woman who believes you are not connecting with her if you can’t make her climax?

Recognizing that all my friend wanted to do was mock me, there was no way in the hell I would tell this guy that I could not satisfy a woman without help from Big Pharma!

It’s mostly in communities where wealth exists that a woman will pretend like a man who can’t satisfy them is still “High Value” to them.

Yet a new house and new Benz cannot really satisfy some woman’s soul in the same way an eye-rolling and toe-curling orgasm does.

Luckily, like most American women, the one in this song still ‘remembered’ the number and location of a guy who could:

That’s why she traveled to the cheating part of town, so her Alpha Male could deliver what her Beta Male Provider could not.

Notice, the song never includes the part where the singer no longer performs the same in the bedroom, as he used to….

What’s already understood need not be explained, and men do not readily admit this.

Different cultures have different ways of making life, love, and relationships work for children or because of them.

So when sex was nasty in our culture, but the guy still paid her bills, a woman was still capable of not cheating at first, but she just made us pay for her commitment in other ways.

She would give us what I call “The Rationing”:

(Google “Poetic Justice: Relationship Troubles”)

As my soon-to-be ex informed me: “It’s not making love unless I climax.”

She has been with men with more money and a more significant Johnson than I have.

The bottle of liquor had paid off because she told on herself — her past Alphas would not commit to her, but now she was going to “settle down” with me.

But I would get the Rationing.

This guy would be getting “The Buffet”:

But back to Cody, the 6 foot 2 guy who started talking to a girl whom I had met about five weeks before he showed up.

That’s how long I had been staring at her.

When he started working beside her, I instantly thought the two made a good couple.

I had a girlfriend I was being faithful to, and I was done lying to women about having a woman.

The woman I cheat with would have to know she doesn’t get to play innocent.

Plus, Samantha listened to Selena Gomez. I backed off and watched them grow closer each day over five weeks.

Eventually, Cody started sleeping with Samantha after playing the “interested cool guy” role for a few months and spending all his break time with her.

He even stopped talking to other women at the factory, and the day came when the two didn’t just walk around the parking lot together, but got into each other’s cars.

When they started showing up together also, it became apparent sex was involved, and the two were making The American Exchange.

About a month later, Samantha would leave because it was a dead-end job, and she had a degree and multiple talents.

Because Samantha was gone and took her tall, sexy fat behind back to New York, Cody could let me see the texts and even let me hear the recording of him pleasing her.

Even though I never asked, I had to be reminded of his conquest.

Then, a month or two after that, the Random Alpha Male Player sex addict did something even more shocking. He looked into her life to see if she could be trusted.

And the 27-year-old former gymnast could not leap her way out of the fact that she was sleeping with one guy while another guy believed she was faithful.

Samantha was engaged and had a fiance this whole time and never planned on anything except using this guy for a good time.

“I know how to protect myself,” said the Random Alpha Male Player, who one day hopes to screw his way into a meaningful relationship.

After being inside and out of that body’s orifices for a few weeks, it’s hard not to crave someone who has the mind and body you want.

But I could hear in his voice that he almost fell for the bait.

Hook, line, and sinker.

Mostly sinker.

Today, some chump somewhere probably has her Samantha in his arms right now, never knowing that a guy states away was dancing at work and pretending to ride a horse.

But Cody had contacted someone who knew her and about her fiance; he had finally stopped talking about how good the sex was, at least until new faces showed up.

“ Are you an Alpha or a Beta?

Yes, jackass, it’s already hard enough to get my pleasure chasing girlfriend’s eyes not to wander, and I already have to worry about her orbiter, but let me share my info with you.

Some of us men will only ever have the respect of our peer group and the woman who believes we have Implicit Sexual Market value because she never slept with us.

Many of us will never make a woman water or squirt naturally and will still try to hook up with young and good-looking women as if they could see us the same as the men who

I learned at 14 that I could not easily please a woman, and I swiftly dumped my female favorite person (she wanted to lose her virginity to me).

Then I swiftly dumped my gf, who I had just replaced my favorite person with.

Because I was Black and these young White girls who I loved listened to rap music and R&B music, I could not fathom being the first Beta male they slept with.

I introduced them to each other and quit talking to either one. Don’t put your phone down; you didn’t click on this story to hear fairy tales.

I did not have enough Explicit Sexual Market Value to even come through on my promise to give a girl my body the way she wanted to provide me with hers and thus threw away a good person.

Neveah Lee Grace never knew why I stopped talking to her after she had been there for me for four years and spent much of her adolescence on the phone talking to me.

My image was too important.

Now this asshat wanted to know if I was an Alpha or a Beta male so that he could shame me.

Your peer group is supposed to be a safe place from mockery.

If you are a woman, we guys do not believe in safe spaces and have to learn about them from women.

“If Samantha slept with me first, she would have probably left me for you”

That’s what this guy would never be hearing unless he reads my work somehow.

The sex addict wants to know the status of everything because everything is sexual to him.

That’s why he makes movies and produces music, which all reflect the beliefs of the Random Alpha Male Player Sex addict.

But this isn’t about the RAMP. That’s the following article.

It’s about how one asked me a fascinating and past due question:

Are you an Alpha or a Beta Male?

In reality, I was not saying anything; I was saying everything.

It’s just that he was too young to truly grasp that men who can’t quickly satisfy women don’t make songs about it:

Hello Mr. and Missus McFly!

But the good news is that my life is so much more than my penis.

Not to an Immoral Party Girl from America (18–33) or a woman who insists that her bf does not contact Big Pharma for his sexual issues.

However, many others will still be satisfied or at least helped by my other skills.

“But the facts you focus on determine how you feel” (Myron Golden)

The guy said that he had had polio since he was a kid and could have been healed if the doctors had acted fast enough.

But the hospital was segregated, and he wasn’t the priority.

Everybody can only handle some things.

Some men are forty years old and have never seen a sunset or a beautiful woman.

Would you rather be blind or impotent?

I promise you there is a guy that is both.

But in less extreme cases, one has to realize a hard truth about life.

The Creator who designed it didn’t create it to be even.

Matthew 19:12.

Everyone was not designed the same, so everyone doesn’t have the same abilities or genetics.

Rather than lament about my high Implicit Sexual Market mixed with lowish Explicit Sexual Market Value, I focus on my readers to succeed where I fail.

Safety, Sanity, and Sincerity.

Thanks for reading!




"Your Actions Are You Are, Your Words Are Who You Want To Be:" Neveah Lee Grace