Be Like This Little Guy

Andrew Herzog
2 min readJan 21, 2017

Patience and perseverance lead to success.

Many people give up too quickly on their dreams and goals. They tackle a goal with a short-term mindset, albeit unconsciously, and when they don’t see enough improvement or success quickly enough, they give up and trash the whole thing. Understandable. We’ve all done that at some point.

But I’m slowly learning the beauty of being patient and persistent. If you want some success look to the cute little turtle, not the hare.

All the entrepreneurial books I’ve read lately say the same thing: success takes longer than you think.

I would love to be super successful and financially secure right now, but the fact is I probably won’t. And that’s OK!

Instant gratification be damned.

The overnight success stories are rare, and it’s specifically because they’re rare that we hear about them in the news at all. What matters is the attitude for change and the determination to stick with it for years to come.

There is a common conception that it takes 10 years, or 10,000 hours, to become masterful at something. With that in mind, I don’t look for the final destination in the coming months; I’m thinking long-term! Even Mark Cuban and other powerhouses acknowledge it takes years and years for results to be seen.

How many people do you know who actually think long-term?

Long-term is difficult to grasp and keep motivated for, but it’s where the real success is found. Plan for future success, not instant success.

As everyone else gives up, you find yourself still chugging along and ultimately at the end, in the winner’s circle.



Andrew Herzog

writer, reader, thalassophile, entertainment connoisseur