Building a Crypto Trading Bot with Python: A Complete Guide to Automate Your Crypto Trading Using TradingView and BBand strategy

Ah Farag
6 min readJul 17, 2023


Photo by Pierre Borthiry - Peiobty on Unsplash

# Building a Crypto Trading Bot with Python: A Complete Guide to Automate Your Crypto Trading Using TradingView

Are you looking to automate your cryptocurrency trading using TradingView? Building a crypto trading bot with Python and integrating it with TradingView can provide you with a powerful solution. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a trading bot that executes trades based on TradingView alerts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, this guide will help you automate your crypto trading. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Crypto Trading Bots
2. Benefits of Using a Crypto Trading Bot with TradingView Integration
3. Setting Up Your Development Environment
4. Connecting to the TradingView API
5. Receiving TradingView Alerts
6. Developing Trading Strategies
7. Executing Trades with Your Crypto Exchange API
8. Monitoring and Analyzing Bot Performance
9. Deploying and Running Your Trading Bot
10. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Crypto Trading Bots

Crypto trading bots are software programs that automate trading activities in the cryptocurrency market. They can execute trades based on predefined rules and strategies, eliminating the need for manual intervention. By leveraging the power of trading bots, you can take advantage of market opportunities 24/7, improve trade execution speed, and eliminate human emotions from the trading process.

2. Benefits of Using a Crypto Trading Bot with TradingView Integration

Integrating your crypto trading bot with TradingView offers several advantages. TradingView is a popular charting platform that provides real-time market data, technical analysis tools, and customizable alerts. By integrating your bot with TradingView, you can receive alerts based on your predefined conditions and automatically execute trades in response. This integration allows you to take advantage of TradingView’s advanced charting capabilities while automating your trading strategies.

3. Setting Up Your Development Environment

To build a crypto trading bot with Python, you’ll need to set up your development environment. Ensure that you have Python installed on your system and choose a code editor of your preference. Additionally, install the necessary Python libraries, such as ccxt for interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges and requests for making HTTP requests to TradingView’s API.

4. Connecting to the TradingView API

To receive alerts from TradingView, you need to connect to the TradingView API. Start by creating an account on TradingView and generate API credentials. The TradingView API allows you to subscribe to real-time alerts for a specific trading pair or symbol. Use the API documentation to learn about the available endpoints and methods for accessing alert data.

5. Receiving TradingView Alerts

Once you’ve connected to the TradingView API, you can start receiving alerts in your Python script. Set up a WebSocket connection to listen for real-time alerts. When an alert is triggered, the TradingView API will send the relevant data to your script. Extract the necessary information, such as the trading pair and the buy/sell signal, from the alert payload.

import ccxt
import time

# TradingView webhook configuration
webhook_url = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"

# Trading parameters
symbol = 'BTC/USDT'
quantity = 0.01 # Amount of cryptocurrency to trade
stop_loss_percent = 2 # Stop-loss percentage

# Bollinger Bands parameters
timeframe = '5m'
period = 20
std_dev = 2

# Initialize the exchange
exchange = ccxt.binance({
'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
'enableRateLimit': True,

# Connect to TradingView webhook
def send_webhook(payload):
import requests
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Webhook sent successfully!")
print("Failed to send webhook.")

# Retrieve latest candlestick data
def get_candle_data():
candles = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe=timeframe, limit=period)
return candles[-1]

# Calculate Bollinger Bands
def calculate_bollinger_bands():
candles = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe=timeframe, limit=period)
closes = [candle[4] for candle in candles] # Close prices
sma = sum(closes) / period # Simple Moving Average
std_deviation = (sum((x - sma) ** 2 for x in closes) / period) ** 0.5
upper_band = sma + std_dev * std_deviation
lower_band = sma - std_dev * std_deviation
return upper_band, lower_band

# Place a market order
def place_order(side):
order = exchange.create_market_buy_order(symbol, quantity) if side == 'buy' else exchange.create_market_sell_order(symbol, quantity)
return order

# Calculate stop-loss price
def calculate_stop_loss():
candles = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe=timeframe, limit=2)
current_price = candles[-2][4] # Close price of the previous candle
stop_loss_price = current_price - (current_price * stop_loss_percent / 100)
return stop_loss_price

# Main trading loop
while True:
# Get latest candlestick data
candle = get_candle_data()

# Extract candlestick data
timestamp, open_, high, low, close, volume = candle

# Calculate Bollinger Bands
upper_band, lower_band = calculate_bollinger_bands()

if close > upper_band:
# Price above upper Bollinger Band, sell signal
order = place_order('sell')
stop_loss_price = calculate_stop_loss()
message = {
"text": "Sell signal detected. Placed a market sell order for {}.".format(symbol),
"attachments": [
"text": "Stop-loss price: {}".format(stop_loss_price)
elif close < lower_band:
# Price below lower Bollinger Band, buy signal
order = place_order('buy')
stop_loss_price = calculate_stop_loss()
message = {
"text": "Buy signal detected. Placed a market buy order for {}.".format(symbol),
"attachments": [
"text": "Stop-loss price: {}".format(stop_loss_price)

# Wait for the next candle
time.sleep(300) # Wait for 5 minutes

except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred:", str(e))
time.sleep(60) # Wait for 1 minute before retrying

In this example, we’ve added the Bollinger Bands strategy to generate buy and sell signals. The calculate_bollinger_bands() function calculates the upper and lower Bollinger Bands based on the closing prices of the last period candles.

The main trading loop checks if the closing price crosses above the upper Bollinger Band, indicating a sell signal, or below the lower Bollinger Band, indicating a buy signal. It then places a market order accordingly and calculates the stop-loss price based on the previous candle’s close price.

Please note that this is a simple implementation of the Bollinger Bands strategy and may require further customization and refinement to suit your specific trading preferences and risk management. Additionally, make sure to replace 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL', 'YOUR_API_KEY', and 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' with your own values.

6. Developing Trading Strategies

With TradingView alerts being received, it’s time to develop your trading strategies. Define the conditions and criteria that trigger buy or sell signals based on the received alerts. These conditions can include technical indicators, price patterns, or a combination of factors. Implement the necessary logic to determine when to execute trades based on your strategies.

7. Executing Trades with Your Crypto Exchange API

To execute trades based on your trading strategies, you’ll need to interact with your chosen cryptocurrency exchange’s API. Use a library like ccxt to connect to the exchange’s API and place orders programmatically. Make sure you have created API credentials on the exchange and provide the necessary authentication details in your Python script.

8. Monitoring and Analyzing Bot Performance

Continuous monitoring and analysis of your trading bot’s performance are crucial for success. Track important metrics such as profitability, trade execution speed, and portfolio balance. Make use of visualizations and reporting tools to gain insights into the bot’s performance over time. Regularly evaluate your strategies and make adjustments as needed to optimize performance.

9. Deploying and Running Your Trading Bot

Once you have developed and tested your crypto trading bot, it’s time to deploy it for live trading. Set up a reliable hosting environment, such as a virtual private server (VPS), to ensure the bot runs continuously without interruptions. Monitor the bot’s performance closely and be prepared to make adjustments based on changing market conditions.


Building a crypto trading bot with Python and integrating it with TradingView can greatly enhance your ability to automate and optimize your cryptocurrency trading strategies. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to connect to the TradingView API, receive alerts, develop trading strategies, execute trades through a cryptocurrency exchange API, and monitor bot performance. Remember to continuously analyze and adapt your bot to evolving market conditions to maximize your trading success.


**1. Can I use multiple trading strategies simultaneously with my crypto trading bot?**

Yes, you can use multiple trading strategies simultaneously with your crypto trading bot. Implement logic in your bot to manage and execute trades based on different strategies.

**2. Is it possible to backtest my trading strategies before deploying them with my bot?**

Yes, it is recommended to backtest your trading strategies using historical data before deploying them with your bot. Backtesting helps you evaluate the performance and effectiveness of your strategies.

**3. Can I run my crypto trading bot on a cloud platform like AWS or Google Cloud?**

Yes, you can deploy your crypto trading bot on cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud. These platforms provide reliable hosting environments and scalable resources to ensure your bot runs smoothly.

**4. How often should

I monitor and adjust my trading bot?**

It’s recommended to monitor and evaluate your trading bot’s performance regularly, especially during market volatility. Adjustments should be made based on changes in market conditions or when you identify opportunities for improvement.

**5. Should I consider implementing risk management techniques in my trading bot?**

Absolutely. Risk management is essential in trading. Implement techniques such as setting stop-loss orders, position sizing, and risk-reward ratios to protect your capital and manage potential losses.

