Ahfaz Malik
5 min readMay 7, 2023

30 Days of Gratitude Day 5: Gratitude for Inspiration and Creativity

Gratitude for Inspiration and Creativity is a reminder to appreciate the beauty of the creative process and the ideas that bring us joy and inspiration. It’s easy to get caught up in our busy lives and forget to stop and appreciate the moments of inspiration and creativity that fuel our passions and pursuits. Take time to reflect on the things that inspire you, whether it’s a piece of art, a song, a book, or even a conversation with a friend. Recognize the value of these sources of inspiration in your life and express gratitude for the creative energy that drives you forward. By cultivating a mind-set of gratitude for inspiration and creativity, you can tap into your own creative potential and find joy in the process of creation.

Inspiration refers to the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative. It often involves encountering something that provokes thoughts or ideas, such as seeing something beautiful or hearing a piece of music.

Creativity, on the other hand, is the ability to use imagination and original ideas to create something new or innovative. It involves the generation of novel and useful ideas, which can manifest in various forms, including art, music, writing, design, and more.

While inspiration and creativity are distinct concepts, they are often intertwined. Inspiration can spark creativity, and creativity can be the result of inspiration. Both are important in many areas of life, including art, business, and personal growth.

For the people who know me, they know I am pretty creative with the practical stuff. I think out of the box and find creative solutions to the problems. Everyone has multiple circle of friends, their office friends, local friends, friends who are relatives as well. All of these circles will always know a different version of you but there would still be a few attributes of your personality, a very few may be, which would be common knowledge amongst all the circles or may be in majority of them. For me, that is my problem solving skills.

Even though I am grateful for those skills that I have and I am thankful to my Allah for the same but there are still so many problems I haven’t been able to solve. It’s been more than a year that I have seen you my son and I still do not have a solution for that. I have solved problems for my friends, for the people I do not even know. When I use to travel from Okhla to Gurgaon for my office, it was a 27 km drive and I use to see many people on motorcycle dragging it cos they ran out of fuel. I started keeping a bottle of Petrol in my car just to give it away cos I knew the pain of dragging a bike for so many kms in scorching heat and almost daily I had to refill the bottle and considered myself lucky that my god chose me to solve a problem for a stranger.

Just a few hours ago, I puppy died my arms. I was on my bike and saw a car reversing and crushing a puppy, may be around 2 months old or so under it. I shouted and left my bike as is, ran towards the puppy. He was in a lot of pain and that was a problem right there to which I could not find a solution. I wish I could. He died within a few minutes. The mother dog was there, she was.. .I don’t know what she must have been feeling. The loss of a child, unbearable pain. I buried the puppy.

When you left last year, all my creativity was down in the drain. Cudn’t help it but I could not think of anything else but you. I still find your “Image” in certain actions of other kids and their father’s anywhere I see them. I imagine the scenarios with you thinking how you would react to a certain situation.

I tried a couple of times getting back up on my feet but it didn’t work. No creativity, nothing. My Instagram was dead for over a year. But, something happened when I started thanking Allah for small things and showing Gratitude for the things I have and always will… The memories with you. I considered you as an Inspiration and I started writing for you. You are still my inspiration and will always be and now that I know how to help myself with it, I am just trying to let you know that even though you are not here, you are helping me out. You are helping your Dad!

Let me share 5 ways to practice gratitude for inspiration and creativity right here because I really can’t talk about you anymore today.

Here are some ways to practice gratitude for inspiration and creativity:

  1. Express gratitude for the beauty of nature: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of a sunset, a flower, or a tree. Allow yourself to be inspired by the natural world and its endless possibilities.
  2. Seek out new experiences: Try something new, such as visiting a new city, trying a new hobby, or learning a new skill. These experiences can help spark creativity and inspire new ideas.
  3. Reflect on past successes: Take a moment to reflect on your past successes and accomplishments. Remember the challenges you overcame and the lessons you learned. Allow these experiences to inspire new ideas and projects.
  4. Find inspiration in others: Seek out role models and mentors who inspire you. Learn from their experiences and insights, and allow their example to inspire your own creative endeavours.
  5. Embrace your own creativity: Recognize and appreciate your own creativity, whether it’s through writing, painting, music, or any other form of expression. Celebrate your own unique perspective and find inspiration in your own ideas and insights.

By practicing gratitude for inspiration and creativity, we can cultivate a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us, as well as tap into our own creative potential to create something beautiful and meaningful.

See you tomorrow!

You can follow me on

Instagram www.instagram.com/ahfazmalikstudios

Twitter www.twitter.com/ahfazdesigns

And here on Medium of course.

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Ahfaz Malik

A father, An artist, 20 years into multiple jobs and businesses and here I am. This blog is a gift to my son and hopefully to all the readers.