Introduction to Hydra: Password Cracking Tool in Kali Linux

fred harris
8 min readMay 22, 2024


Overview of Hydra

Hydra is a popular network logon cracker, which is used to perform brute-force attacks on various protocols and services. It has a rich history intertwined with the development of penetration testing and ethical hacking tools. Here’s a detailed look at the history and development of Hydra within the context of Kali Linux:

Origins and Development

  • Initial Release: Hydra, also known as THC-Hydra, was developed by Van Hauser from The Hacker’s Choice (THC), an international group of hackers and security experts. The initial release dates back to 2000.
  • Purpose: Hydra was created to automate the process of trying various username and password combinations against a service to gain unauthorized access. Its goal was to help security professionals identify weak passwords in systems they were authorized to test.
  • Open Source: Hydra has always been open-source, allowing for community contributions and improvements over the years. Its open nature also ensures transparency in its operations, making it a reliable tool for security testing.

Evolution and Features

  • Protocol Support: Initially, Hydra supported a limited number of protocols. However, over the years, it has expanded to support a wide range of protocols including HTTP, FTP, SMB, SSH, Telnet, and many more.
  • Parallel Connections: One of Hydra’s key features is its ability to perform parallel connections, speeding up the brute-force process significantly. This capability allows it to attempt multiple logins simultaneously, making it a powerful tool in a penetration tester’s arsenal.
  • Modular Design: Hydra’s design is modular, allowing new modules to be easily added. This flexibility has enabled it to stay relevant as new protocols and services have emerged.

Hydra Today

  • Continuous Development: Hydra continues to be actively developed and maintained. Regular updates ensure it remains compatible with new protocols and adapts to the evolving security landscape.
  • Role in Kali Linux: Within Kali Linux, Hydra is a go-to tool for brute-force attacks. Its inclusion in Kali Linux’s comprehensive suite of tools makes it accessible and easy to use for professionals conducting security assessments.

In summary, Hydra has grown from a simple brute-force tool to a comprehensive solution for testing password security across a variety of protocols. Its integration into Kali Linux has cemented its position as a crucial tool for penetration testers and security professionals worldwide.

Features of Hydra

Hydra offers several additional features and formats that can enhance your brute force attacks. These features include service specification, resuming attacks, custom ports, attacking multiple hosts, and targeted combinations. Here’s an overview of each feature:

Service Specification

Instead of specifying the service separately, you can include it in the IP address or hostname. For example, to brute force SSH, use the following command:

hydra -L <userlist> -P <wordlist> ssh://<target>

Resuming Attacks

If a Hydra session is interrupted or exits unexpectedly, you can resume the attack using the -R flag. This flag tells Hydra to restore the previous session and continue where it left off.

hydra -R

Custom Ports

In some cases, system administrators may change the default ports for services. To specify custom ports, use the -s flag followed by the desired port number.

hydra -L <userlist> -P <wordlist> -s <port> <target>

Attacking Multiple Hosts

If you have multiple hosts to attack, you can use the -M flag and provide a file containing a list of IP addresses or hostnames.

hydra -L <userlist> -P <wordlist> -M <file> <target>

Targeted Combinations

If you have specific username and password combinations that you want to test, you can create a custom list and use the -C flag to specify the file containing those combinations.

hydra -C <combinationsfile>

These additional features and formats provide flexibility and customization options for your brute force attacks.

How Hydra works

Let’s look at how to work with Hydra. We will go through the common formats and options that Hydra provides for brute-forcing usernames and passwords. This includes single username/password attacks, password spraying, and dictionary attacks.

If you have installed Hydra, you can start with the help command like this:

$ hydra -h

This will give you the list of flags and options that you can use as a reference when working with Hydra.

How to Perform a Single Username/Password Attack with Hydra

Let’s start with a simple attack. If we have the username and password that we expect a system to have, we can use Hydra to test it.

Here is the syntax:

$ hydra -l <username> -p <password> <server> <service>

Let’s assume we have a user named “molly” with a password of “butterfly” hosted at Here is how we can use Hydra to test the credentials for SSH:

$ hydra -l molly -p butterfly ssh

How to Perform a Password Spraying Attack with Hydra

What if we know a password that someone is using, but we are not sure who it is? We can use a password spray attack to determine the username.

A password spray attack is where we use a single password and run it against a number of users. If someone is using the password, Hydra will find the match for us.

This attack assumes we know a list of users in the system. For this example, we will create a file called users.txt with the following users:


Now we are going to test who has the password “butterfly”. Here is how we can run a password spray attack using Hydra.

$ hydra -L users.txt -p butterfly ssh

We will get a similar result to the following output if any of the users match with the given password. You should also notice that we have used the flag -L instead of -l. -l is for a single username and -L is for a list of usernames.

Hydra vs Other Password Cracking Tools

Hydra is a popular password-cracking tool that is often compared to other similar tools in the cybersecurity landscape. Below is an analysis of Hydra’s features, advantages, and disadvantages compared to other password hacking tools like Hashcat and Aircrack-ng.



  • Versatility: Hydra supports a wide range of protocols including HTTP, FTP, SSH, Telnet, IMAP, and more, making it versatile for different types of network services.
  • Speed: Known for its speed and efficiency in brute-forcing passwords, Hydra is highly optimized for performance.
  • Parallelism: It supports parallel attacks, which can significantly reduce the time required for cracking passwords.
  • Customization: Hydra allows users to customize their attack strategies using various options and flags.
  • Community Support: Being open-source, it benefits from community support and frequent updates.


  • Protocol Support: Hydra’s support for numerous protocols makes it a go-to tool for network penetration testers.
  • Flexibility: Users can configure multiple attack parameters to tailor their approach based on the target system.
  • Speed: Its ability to perform attacks in parallel provides a significant speed advantage.


  • Complexity: The extensive configuration options can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Detection: High-speed brute-force attacks can trigger intrusion detection systems, making it less stealthy.



  • GPU Acceleration: Leverages GPU power for high-speed password cracking.
  • Broad Hash Support: Supports a wide range of hash algorithms.
  • Optimized Performance: Highly optimized for modern hardware, including multi-GPU setups.


  • Speed: One of the fastest password-cracking tools due to GPU acceleration.
  • Comprehensive Hash Support: Can handle almost any hash type, making it versatile for various tasks.
  • Scalability: Can scale across multiple GPUs and even distributed systems.


  • Hardware Dependence: Requires powerful hardware (GPUs) for optimal performance.
  • Complexity: Setting up and configuring for maximum performance can be complex.



  • Wireless Network Focus: Specializes in cracking WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys for wireless networks.
  • Suite of Tools: Includes a suite of tools for capturing packets and performing attacks on Wi-Fi networks.


  • Specialized: Highly effective for wireless network penetration testing.
  • Integrated Tools: Comprehensive suite for various aspects of wireless security.


  • Narrow Focus: Limited to wireless networks, not suitable for other types of password cracking.
  • Dependency on Network Traffic: Requires capturing sufficient network traffic to be effective.

Comparison Summary

  • Versatility: Hydra offer broad protocol support, making them versatile for various network services. Hashcat focus on offline password cracking, while Aircrack-ng is specialized in wireless networks.
  • Speed and Performance: Hashcat, with its GPU acceleration, is the fastest for hash cracking. Hydra provide fast network protocol attacks due to parallelism.
  • Ease of Use: Aircrack-ng are generally easier to use for their specific purposes. Hydra, while powerful, have steeper learning curves due to their extensive options.
  • Specialization: Each tool has its niche — Hydra for network protocols, Hashcat for hash cracking, and Aircrack-ng for wireless networks.


Hydra stands out for its versatility and speed in network protocol attacks, making it a valuable tool for penetration testers. However, it requires significant expertise to use effectively. Compared to other tools, Hydra offers a balance of power and flexibility, but users must consider their specific needs and expertise level when choosing the right tool for the job.

Use Cases for Hydra

  1. Define Objectives and Scope:
  • Objective: Determine what you aim to achieve, such as testing the strength of passwords on specific services (e.g., SSH, FTP).
  • Scope: Define the boundaries of the assessment, including which systems, services, and networks are in scope. Ensure you have explicit permission to test these systems.
  1. Gather Information:

· Identify Targets: List the IP addresses or domain names of the target systems.

· Determine Services: Identify which services are running on these systems (e.g., HTTP, FTP, SSH). Tools like Nmap can help in this discovery phase.

  1. Prepare Wordlists and Credentials:

· Wordlists: Compile or choose appropriate wordlists for the attack. These can include common passwords, usernames, or custom lists based on known information about the target.

· Credentials: If performing a dictionary attack, have a list of potential username-password pairs.

  1. Configure Hydra:

· Select Protocol: Choose the appropriate protocol for the service you are testing (e.g., ssh, ftp, http-form).

· Set Parameters: Configure Hydra with the necessary parameters such as target IP, port, username, wordlist, and any specific options for the protocol.

Example command for an SSH attack:

hydra -l username -P /path/to/passwordlist.txt ssh://

  1. Perform the Attack:

· Run Hydra: Execute the Hydra command and monitor the progress. Hydra will attempt to log in using the provided credentials.

· Adjust Parameters: If necessary, adjust the parameters based on the results and try different combinations or wordlists.

  1. Analyze Results:

· Successful Logins: Identify any successful login attempts. These indicate weak passwords that need to be addressed.

· Failed Attempts: Review failed attempts to understand patterns and improve wordlists or strategies for future assessments.

  1. Document Findings:

· Report Vulnerabilities: Document any weak passwords or vulnerabilities discovered during the assessment.

· Recommendations: Provide recommendations for improving password policies and strengthening security measures.

Considerations and Best Practices

  1. Legal and Ethical Compliance:
  • Authorization: Ensure you have explicit authorization to perform the assessment on the target systems.
  • Ethical Conduct: Follow ethical guidelines and respect privacy and data protection laws.
  1. Minimize Impact:
  • Throttling: Use throttling options to limit the speed of the attack and reduce the risk of disrupting services.
  • Stealth: Consider using options that help evade detection by intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  1. Comprehensive Testing:
  • Multiple Services: Test all relevant services, not just a single one, to get a comprehensive view of the security posture.
  • Continuous Updates: Regularly update wordlists and Hydra itself to ensure you have the latest tools and techniques.
  1. Post-Assessment Actions:
  • Mitigation: Work with the target system’s administrators to mitigate any identified vulnerabilities.
  • Policy Improvement: Use the findings to improve password policies, such as enforcing stronger password requirements and implementing multi-factor authentication.

Example Hydra Commands

  • FTP Brute-force Attack:

hydra -l admin -P /path/to/passwordlist.txt

  • HTTP Form Brute-force Attack:

hydra -l admin -P /path/to/passwordlist.txt http-form-post ‘^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=incorrect'

  • SSH Brute-force Attack with Throttling:

hydra -l user -P /path/to/passwordlist.txt -t 4 ssh://


Using Hydra for a safety assessment involves careful planning, ethical considerations, and a systematic approach to identify weak passwords and security vulnerabilities. By following best practices and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards, you can effectively use Hydra to enhance the security of networked services.

