Random Acts of KINDNESS

Acts of Kindness

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

Ahmad Hassan
6 min readSep 7, 2018


What it takes to be kind and sympathetic in life? Is there any benefit to be kind to someone? Will it cost to be kind and humble?

The answer is pretty simple; “do good, have good”. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.

Kindness is act of assistance, service, help or aid. To be kind to someone shows the warmth, gentleness, tenderness, affection, caring, altruism, sympathy, consideration, compassion, benevolence, generosity, magnanimity, indulgence, patience or tolerance, hospitality, courteousness, benignity, friendliness, selflessness and goodwill of a person.

Kindness never goes Unrewarded

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern and consideration for others. It is considered a virtue, and is recognized as a value in Islam. Moreover, we must not brag about our kind acts because in Islam, Allah Almighty doesn’t like such acts that are bragged about after get done. But there is this quote:

“The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values”.

~William Ralph Inge

Thus to give knowledge about values to the people is not a sin but it helps the people to understand what their main goal must be in this world. To pay respect to their elders and to love and educate their young ones.

To be humble and good and to be merciful in this world of terror and difficulties is what makes you kind.

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love”.

~Saint Basil

Quote by ~John Ruskin

Thus I would like to throw light on acts of kindness that I did in this week and those smaller acts that everyone can or must do and be a good person doing that. Also the smaller kind acts will impose a good impression of a person in others opinions as well, that’s a plus point (professionally).

Helping A Friend

“A Friend in Need, is A Friend Indeed”

Be Supportive and Helpful

Once I saw my friend got out of his home with a bottle in his hand and his bike. He was going to fill that bottle up with filtered water from a nearby filter.

So I went to him and offered him a hand for support. I asked him to give me the bottle and focus on his driving. I grabbed that bottle, sit behind him on the bike and went with him and supported him to pick the bottle otherwise he had to focus on bottle as well during driving. So, he thanked me after we reached back home. It made me happy as well.

Respecting Elders

“Give Respect, Have Respect”

Give Respect, Have Respect

As I was travelling from Railway Station to LESCO Headquarter in a Metro Bus, I found an empty seat to sit quickly. After sometime, at a nearby station An old man got into the bus as well. So, I offered him my place to sit as he was elder to me.

And that smile on his face was the best reward of the day. I found that happiness and satisfaction from his smile as he was offering his gratitude to me.

Helping Mother in Cleaning Home

“Prioritize your relations first and make sure to respect your parents above all”

Quote by ~Hillary Clinton

As my mother usually clean up the whole home. Some time my sister helps in that. But this time I asked my Mom to let me help her cleaning up at least one or two rooms and so she agreed. Thus I helped her in cleaning the home and after the end of it what I get was the praise from my mother; that being a boy, I helped her in cleaning.

Moreover, that inner satisfaction I got, was the best part. Now I have decided that whenever I will be at home, free; I will help my Mom in completing her daily tasks even it is washing dishes or cooking.

Supporting The Team in Visiting Foundations

“Support each other in good or bad, indeed it is a kind deed”

Quote by ~Charles Dickens

“Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self ”.
~Karen Salmansohn

This week there was this task of visiting foundations that are currently working on solution of social causes and doing good for mankind. It was a task assigned for three team mates but I was free that day, so I offered my team a supportive hand in completion of the task. This way they were really grateful, for me being there for them and also we completed the task in no time. They thanked me for my support as well and I also felt useful for my team.

Thanking Friends

“Friends are Family, Never Lose Them”

Friends are Family, Never Lose Them

As Friends are family that’s what I believe in and I can sacrifice my life for them even, only for true, loyal and good friends.

So, this week I met my some good friends and personally showed my gratitude to them all, to be a part of my life. And they became so happy because of it and they thanked me as well to be thinking so good of them.

Friends are the ones who help a person in his loneliness and worst times, so a person should be thankful to his/her friends for being there in his/her worst and happy times, to support him/her.

Professional LIFE

Actually the acts of kindness can be helpful even in professional life, as well.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love”.

~Lao Tzu

Help Needy Persons, for it is an Act of Kindness

Unfortunately, most of us have either never felt what it’s like to perform an act of kindness for another, or if we have, we don’t remember or realize it was the act of kindness which was the source of the feeling.

Fortunately, this powerful effect can be experienced even with the simplest acts of kindness. Here are five acts of kindness you can try any day:

1: Help your team-mate in anything related to his work

2: Listen to what someone else has to say carefully and response positively as you are helping or encouraging him/her

3: Give positive feedback to your team-mates and appreciate their efforts and work or may be leave letters of encouragement at their desks, or give ride to your mates if they need one

4: If you have been done with your weekly work already then ask your boss to be a volunteer for any task; as much help as you can provide

5: Do something for someone without asking their help, may be help in their projects or any other activity that they want to do but they feel shy to ask for your help

Quote by ~Les Brown

So end of the lesson; be kind to others and have kindness in return. Even if you see a person and you present a light brief smile, he will smile back. This is how it works, mirroring effect.




Ahmad Hassan

Electrical Engineer (Power) | Sketch Artist | Writer | Photographer | Otaku :p