Supporting others in achieving Life-Balance

Ahmad Yar
2 min readSep 1, 2019


In the last session, we studied and learned how we can maintain our work-Life Balance. Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. Maintaining work-life balance helps reduce stress and helps prevent burnout in the workplace.

This week I met my sir which is also my colleague. I asked them about Work-Life Balance, How do you balance your professional life and your personal life. After a lot of discussion with him I concluded that He is happy with their personal life but not with a professional life.

Here are a few ways you can achieve a work-life balance that works for you, so you don’t end up burned out and overwhelmed, and so you don’t put your health at risk.

Take advantage of ”Me Time.”

When you hear ”self-care,” maybe you think of meditation and face masks. But taking care of yourself is important! You need to make sure you take the time to reset and recharge, whether that’s going to the gym or allowing yourself a binge-session of your favorite show.

Learn to say “NO.”:

Saying no can seem impossible, especially at work. Trust me, I know. But if you agree to attend every event, take on every project, or manage every co-worker, you’ll find yourself with no time left… And the worst type of betrayal is the kind you do to yourself. It’s okay to say no to things that stress you out, as long as it’s warranted.

Create boundaries.

Don’t take your laptop to bed with you, or answer your boss’ calls at the dinner table. Just because you’re physically accessible all the time doesn’t mean you have to be. Set boundaries with your employer so you both understand you’re availability.

Provide additional services that you think might save your employee time and money and reduce their stress, for example:

  • A discount for a launderette/ dry cleanerFree or discounted lunches and snacks.
  • Gym/fitness classes.
  • Car support, including petrol allowance, repairs and maintenance allowance/discounts and car cleaning services discounts or vouchers.
  • Tax support, providing staff help with any tax concerns, or with filing tax returns etc

Thank You!

