A Little Curiosity into Data Science

Ahmad Haffiz
1 min read5 days ago


“Data is the language of the powerholders.” — Jodi Petersen

With the foresaid quote, i believe that data plays an important key towards for technological advancements. And with the rise of AI technology, Data Science has a crucial part in its development.

A few decades ago, computers were used to served human’s needs, mainly to process data. But nowadays, almost every human on earth uses computer on their daily basis, commonly used computers are smartphones, and we can also predict that in the near future, technological advancements might exceed beyond our expectations. Alongside with its advancements, programming language and data used for these developments gets more complicated because of the amount of data there is, to the point that human alone cannot develop new technologies without the help of existing technologies. Simulations and Experiments used for these developing times produces huge amount of data, hundreds, even billions of data might be produced in order to get a specified desired results.

And here is the part where data science is used to process and modelized these data so that it’ll help people to understand the big chunk amount of data to a simple few lines and graphics that can be interpreted easily. The ability to fulfill these demands is what i seek in the class of FI2151 of Bandung Institute of Technology and this is also a reason for my motivation to take this class with high spirits and encouraged mind.

This article was made to fulfill FI2151 Modeling, Data Generator and Analysis’s class assignment.”

Ahmad Haffiz Fildzah — 10222001

