[Attention] Best 3 Ways To Destroy Your Life In Less Than 30 Days

Ahmad Chammas
11 min readOct 16, 2023


Have you ever thought that there is something that is haunting you? Like literally wherever you look or wherever you go, you see or think about that thing?

Okay, let’s look at this scenario. There is a girl called Sara who was smart and dedicated in school but with time she start losing momentum, but she did an IQ test and she got 120 and that’s a very high IQ.

She kept on with her life but there was doubt inside of her, a voice inside of her that is planting the roots of all evil. She didn’t pay attention to that.

Now Sara was on social media and was scrolling for hours out of overthinking and boredom but she passed by a reel that made her click, that made her stop for a moment and rethink her whole life.

Lately, she’s been having problems focusing and understanding certain things. So now the reel that she saw was titled “5 signs that ADHD is killing your focus” and guess what, she won’t scroll she will stay to see the whole reel.

So now she saw that she has 4 signs from this reel and she starts overthinking whether she haves ADHD or not and she starts having inner battles inside of her that are filled with indecisiveness.

There is that voice inside her, that temptation trying to play her to search for more information because now she has a lot of missing pieces inside her head and unanswered questions.

This unclosed loop will keep haunting her inside her head until she starts searching for answers and she enters Google to start researching more about ADHD. the more she researches the more she relates.

So now she is trying to find the matching errors inside, it’s research filled with emotions. No logic, no objective. Just going left and right to find the answers but what it’s really about, creating questions not finding them.

Because when things are involved with emotions they are far from being right or objective or logical. So now she is searching for relatable information that will help her create her own answers.

She will start finding all the errors in her to match the symptoms and she will start overthinking everything, whatever she is doing she will have this thing running in her unconscious, ruining her mind.

Not only that. She moved forward and tried to forget about that. But now whenever she does any mistake she blames herself miserably for it and has such a great negative talk with herself.

When she forgets about something, the thing she says to herself is “How stupid I am” or “Stop being stupid” and that keeps on going. For weeks she kept falling into that loop of negative self-talk

After all those things happen to Sara, she starts seeing bad news videos or negative videos on Instagram, and what she does is like and save those videos. Maybe they are signs of ADHD or a specific mental illness.

Maybe it’s about a catastrophic event that happened in a specific country or in her country that brought back some unfortunate memories. She saves that video, and now the memory is at her disposal to recall.

Or maybe it’s a video for bad food being made in I don’t know where, and now all she is doing is matching thoughts and memories. Making everything become a bad anchor in her unconscious.

But not only that but what will happen with her is…

She will start seeing more and more of those videos because you dont know how the social media algorithms work, they aim to keep you on their platform by showing you the content that might interest you.

And how do they know what interest you? Depending on the videos you like, save, or share, the content you interact with. The algorithm will start showing you more of that and sometimes you will forget that this is the thing that is happening and you think of it as this is my destiny.

If I am seeing it always it means it does exist but in fact, you are the one creating it in the first place, so it’s literally you making your focus flow in the direction you choose. Where focus goes energy flows.

So if you keep your focus on that negative and bad stuff your whole energy will be spent on such nonsense that will get you nowhere and will only be drawn to the grain, making you lose the sense of reality and identity.

Now, when Sara decided to sit with her friends and have fun. They decided that they want to experience something, so Sara suggested they all do the IQ test she did previously like that it will be fun to share.

She thought that she will be the one with the highest IQ, but little did she know. When they all finished the IQ test and they were all sharing their results, Sara was embarrassed to share hers. Because last time she did it her score was 120.

Now try to guess how much the score of Sara is. After all those months of self-destructing beliefs. Her score was 99 and when she looked at it, she felt her whole world was destroyed in front of her. She wanted to blame something, someone.

But deep down she knew that she is the one to blame. She is the one who created her own hell and ruined it. Just by how she went through this series of events. The thing that was seen to be impossible and she thought it was only a doubt. Became a reality.

That way she fulfilled the reality she created for herself in her own mind, and she lives to regret it. Because by just shifting your focus and not being aware of what’s going on you can change the whole programming of your brain.

You can choose for sure to either better it or ruin it. In the end, it’s all your choice.

Now I will be sharing the 3 things that Sara fall into and explain briefly each one of those destructing behavior.

Emotional Curiosity

Now let’s start with the most dangerous one which is the craving for more affirmation, the moment you believe something and you want to know more about it… Even if that thing is not true, you just need more.

Because we humans are curious by nature, we want more. We crave more. When we eat the first piece of chocolate we will be at the same time anticipating the next one, so it’s no wonder.

But this curiosity needs to be directed in the right direction. In this scenario, you let your brain control you, the fear, the searching for a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. Sometimes yeah we might have ADHD.

What is surprising is 99% of that lack of focus might be coming from lack of rest or lack of water, not all the things are like you see on the surface. Dont, let the emotions take you to its path of misery and despair.

It’s good to analyze things logically and not to allow judgment or emotional bias to take place, especially when it comes to such issues. Because we humans love drama, your brain will want that drama. But with time it will become a reality.

Negative Self Talk

Now the second point, is negative self-talk which is a habit a lot of people have mastered and it became part of their lives, part of their daily routine. But little do they know that the more you speak about something, the more you focus on it.

And I mean if all I am thinking about is that red Ferrari I will only be looking for the red Ferraris on the street, and not only that, I will be looking only for the red cars. So one negative word is enough to make us live in a world of negativity.

Where all you do is focus on what’s negative, what’s bad, what’s toxic. Like for sure there is a word that you haven’t passed by in your entire life, but on Monday you heard of this word and learned what it means.

Now do you believe that this word will be seen once? Or you just experienced and know that when you know the word the more you will start seeing it. Like its not magic, the word already existed but what you were focusing on was different.

So when you notice it once, you will be focusing on and you will see it more often. Same thing for negativity, it does exist and there are a lot of traits. When you start focusing on it, the more you will start noticing it.

And you start programming a mind filled with a language you chose, whether it’s positive or negative. What you focus on, is the thing that will grow. You have the power to change habits, shift focus, and reprogram your mind.

The Loop of Doom

The third one is the loop of doom. Why? Because the moment you are in, it will be almost impossible to wake yourself up and get it. Like when you are in the middle of something, emotions will rule you and it will be hard to for you think straight.

So it’s like hypnotizing yourself into believing something that doesn’t necessarily have to be true, and the funny thing is humans love drama. So you’ll be searching for drama, for answers, for belonging.

That will influence you negatively because if you are so hungry and craving to eat food, you might just eat the next meal you see. No matter if it is good, bad, who knows what. You won’t care because you are too cravy for that thing.

The same on social media, you be hungry for those human cravings and all you want is to find them. So, you will spot it and you see it nice and it made something tick inside you. now you started thinking, you might go to Google like in the first habit.

You might not, but you are already hooked, you are already in the loop. You keep watching this 14-second reel for 2 hours just thinking and wondering, or you might visit the account, save the video, and watch more videos.

Whatever you do that shows interest, you are setting yourself on that hook, you are trapping your own path. Because when you show interest the algorithm on social media will start pumping all those content with similar interest.

You might start looking at it and say, um I see now. So it’s true what I have seen because I am seeing it a lot and it will start with showing 10 videos then 40 then you’re whole feed and the following will be accounts that speak about those negative stuff.

And back to the second point where we said what we focus on grows, remember? Imagine being in a pool full of negativity and all you can see, focus on, and believe is negativity. I mean it’s going it be tough.

That’s why I call it the loop of doom, since the moment you are hooked, the harder you will start sinking. And the harder it will get to control it or get out of it.


Now enough talking about problems, I mean that’s not the thing we want to focus on right? Or is it? Well, not today, now I will give you some things that you can use, you can call them tips, tricks, whatever! Just use them anyways.

Now for the first one what you can do is, when you feel triggered inside to go into that emotional curiosity fight with logic and facts. So instead of going to research more, just ask what would be there any other possible reason I noticed that symptom.

So what you need is to question and reflect and what would make it easier and better for you is to do it on a voice note or bring a piece of paper and have a recorded discussion with yourself, like using your favorite tool or approach. Just reflect.

Because the more you will reflect on something, the more you will be able to understand it on different levels and from different perspectives. That way you’ll be conditioning yourself not to believe what’s on the surface but actually think and choose.

Now the second point is negative self-talk. What you can do about it is notice those tendencies and question them, so it’s a mix of awareness, reflection, and replacement.

Something you can use is, to start spotting yourself first when you do those self talks. To become aware of what’s going on and how repetitive it is, then just reflect, like just question it, is it really true? Is there any logic to back it? Am I really stupid? What are the facts? Why is that?

And just keep asking and asking, when you get to the point you asked a lot and drained it. You can use the last step which is the replacement and say whenever I will notice any tendency in myself to say negative words, I will either take it as a joke and laugh at it or I will debate it.

Seeing it as a joke and not taking yourself seriously will help reduce the belief triggered and when you debate it, it won’t make sense that much after and you will start focusing on the greener side. Isn’t it all about focus?

The third point is the loop of doom. This one has multiple solutions, and the first one is to control how much time you spend on social media, just put a screen time or you can use a feature in Instagram to limit how much time you spend.

Now if your work is on social media like mine, you can use other features to control the type of content you see. So if you go to set you can find suggested content and change things like suggested content and what keywords you dont want to see anymore.

You can actually remove all the negative words from your dictionary, isn’t that cool? But in case you already saw something that triggered you, you can just hit on the 3 points and click Do not suggest this content and quit Instagram to do something else. Switch habit.

Becoming aware and being able to control that, will take time and tiny steps every time, and it all comes down to one single thing “What you are focusing on?” when you reflect and see what you are facing. Your perception will change.

You start seeing things differently and a reflection is a tool you can always use, no matter where you are. It’s just the ability to question things in a smart way, to understand what’s beneath, the ability to analyze and think.

But for sure you need awareness, you need to catch yourself on what you are doing wrong and be aware of what’s going inside of you. Then you’ll be able to reflect and maximize your understanding.

Finally, the world is not here to help you, the world is full of distractions, full of negativity, full of programming. So dare to think, to ask, to analyze, and don’t allow yourself to be sleeping in your own life, take control of it and improve it. And it all starts with you, we both know that!

If you feel like you have anything in mind that you might want to talk about, remember that I am one message away. Welcome to the new world!

